[Newbies] Black Screen after Accidently deleting Python using purge python
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f***[email protected]
2023-10-28 11:50

Is There hope that Deepin UPDATE will fix the issue?on Deepin

I accidently deleted python using purge python and have black screen on DEEPIN. Can't open any documents

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2023-10-28 15:45

Can you resore your system to restore point? If you've installed deepin normally after an update there are automatically generated. You can restore your system from grub (blue screen on boot up).

Python in general is a pretty vital component of the system, so there's a chance you might have nuked your desktop. Check if you can get into TTY and check if deepin desktop components are present.

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f***[email protected]
2023-10-28 21:13

After the nuke, what happened that I was unable to open 'Computer', 'Documents', 'Pictures', Music', 'Video', or when I try to run conda, it gives an error. This means that any files that are to be viewed on the Desktop are not working at all.

I am able to access Browser, Open websites at all. I checked TTY and the commad resulted in:

'verification successful'.


I ran this command


And the result was:


I see 'Windows Boot Manager' (on /dev/nvme0n12). Is this from where I can restore system from grub? I selected and clicked on it but nothing much happened. It again booted the OS.

Is there hope of downloading the 23 beta version iso and then upgrading it manually to solve the problem? confused

Thank you for your guidance.

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f***[email protected]
2023-10-29 00:55


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