Still boot to Win10 not Deepin
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2019-08-29 00:17
Hello all,i just install Deepin in my flashdisk. After restart,i choose DeepinOs as first boot,then Win10 as the 2nd. But,it still booting to Winodws10. Anyone can help? (UEFI)
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2019-08-29 01:10
Check your bios setup, change your boot order
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2019-09-02 13:52
How did you put the iso on the flashstick? Use BalenaEtcher.
Also try to press f11 when booting to select the boot device.
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2019-09-05 07:05
Edited by kirtesh at 2019-9-4 23:07

If you are using uefi then try changing grub path of windows with the deepin one that way windows won't change the boot order. Try this software easyuefi on windows []
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2019-09-05 17:19
IF the boot order is correct with grub as first, then
make sure secure boot is turned off.
google boot-repair and follow instructions on how to add it.
Run Boot-repair.

Sometimes, windows is tricky and still takes over your computer.
Boot repair will fix it but you might lose the flashy deepin grub screen for generic and have 3x more entries.
Then use grub customizer.
Best of luck.
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