[Feelings & Sharing] 来点Distrowatch的最新深度安利
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2024-07-09 13:06



  1. this is verygood operating system, He is currently my favorite liunx and stands out as the best of both windows and apple mac systems, combining their advantages and aesthetic appeal.


  2. Okay, folks, listen up. I've seen a lot of Linux distros in my day, from your hardcore Arch setups to your user-friendly Mint installs. But Deepin 23 RC2? This one's got me whistling a different tune, and it ain't no penguin squawk.
    First off, Deepin's desktop environment (DDE) is GORGEOUS. Seriously, I've caught myself just staring at the screen, mesmerized by the slick animations and the way the icons practically shimmer. It's like macOS and Windows had a baby, and that baby grew up to be a supermodel.
    Now, I'm not the most tech-savvy. I like my fish pre-filleted, thank you very much. That's why Deepin's out-of-the-box experience was such a breath of fresh air. Everything I needed was right there, from a web browser to a music player.
    Performance-wise, Deepin 23 RC2 is slicker than a penguin belly on an ice floe. It runs like a dream, even on my old laptop that's older than some of the glaciers down here in Antarctica. I haven't experienced a single crash, which is more than I can say for some of those other distros I've tried.
    Overall, Deepin 23 RC2 is a fantastic distro. It's beautiful, easy to use, and performs like a champ. If you're looking for a Linux distro that's as user-friendly as it is eye-catching, then Deepin 23 RC2 is definitely worth checking out. You might even find yourself doing a happy penguin dance after installing it. I know I did. P.S. If you see a penguin wearing a Deepin t-shirt, that's probably me. Come say hi! 🐧

    好的,大家听好了。我这辈子见过很多Linux发行版,从你们那些硬核的Arch设置到用户友好的Mint安装。但是深度23 RC2?这个让我吹起了不同的调子,而且这不是企鹅的叫声。



    在性能方面,深度23 RC2比南极洲这里的一些冰川上的企鹅肚子还要光滑。它运行得像梦一样流畅,即使在我那台比这里一些冰川还要老的旧笔记本电脑上。我没有经历过一次崩溃,这比我尝试过的一些其他发行版要好得多。

    总的来说,深度23 RC2是一个了不起的发行版。它美观,易于使用,表现卓越。如果你正在寻找一个既用户友好又引人注目的Linux发行版,那么深度23 RC2绝对值得一试。你可能甚至会在安装后发现自己跳起了快乐的企鹅舞。我知道我跳了。



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2024-07-09 13:37


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