[Newbies] how do i change which disk drive the app store downloads on
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m***[email protected]
2024-06-30 20:58

i have system disk and data disk, the system disk have little to no space and my data disk has 2tb but when i try to download something on app store is says insufficient disk space. how do i change it to install on my data disk drive?

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2024-07-01 16:01

Short answer: You don't.

If "the system disk have little to no space" you need to address that first, not trying to install anything else. Either free enough space - at least 10% of the total capacity should be free at all times - or get a bigger drive.

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m***[email protected]
2024-07-01 16:42

Short answer: You don't.

If "the system disk have little to no space" you need to address that first, not trying to install anything else. Either free enough space - at least 10% of the total capacity should be free at all times - or get a bigger drive.

thanks. yeah i just reinstalled deepin and gave it more space

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