[Control Center] Deepin OS system update option in settings can not be done : check again
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2024-04-08 12:10
Right after installation Deepin OS without having any difficulties "System Update" can be prceed.  However after some days or months it cant be done as it was. I checked the network connections and all fine. But when I hit on the update button it does find the updats showing the progress bar. But right end of the progress bar, when almost search updates are done, suddenly stop there showing "Red cross" with text : "Check again". I dig the internet for a solution and got nothing. So any help in this regard is higly appriciated.
Deepin OS system update crash
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l***[email protected]
2024-04-08 19:10
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2024-05-08 18:18

Try running the usual commands in Terminal:

sudo apt update

Note down any error messages (you can mouse select in Terminal, right-click > Copy or CTRL+SHIFT+C and then paste it somewhere else, e.g., notepad).

If no errors you can go ahead and run

sudo apt full-upgrade
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