[Seek Help] Partitions in Deepin 23
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c***[email protected]
2022-08-19 01:59


When I tried to install Deepin 23 preview in Virtualbox, it asked for a minimum partition size of 64G. Today, my Deepin 20.6 is installed in 2 partitions - / (30G) and home - and my question is: Should I increase my "/" partition to at least 64G when I Install Deepin 23 in the future?

I'm asking it because I use flatpak, and the quantity of flatpak apps I can install is limitided to the size of my "/" partition. If you take into account linglong packages, what would be the optimum size for my "/" partition?

Thanks in advance!

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2022-08-21 19:39

As far as I'm concerned, you don't need to make the '/' partitions bigger than 64G, but you should make your two partitions in total bigger than 64G.

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c***[email protected]
2022-08-22 03:02

As far as I'm concerned, you don't need to make the '/' partitions bigger than 64G, but you should make your two partitions in total bigger than 64G.

By using Deepin 23, I'll have at least 3 partitions = "/", "data" and "home". Should I divide 64G between partitions "/" (32G) and "data" (32G)? Will that be enough, considering linglong packages are going to be used a lot?

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2022-08-22 05:42
c***[email protected]

By using Deepin 23, I'll have at least 3 partitions = "/", "data" and "home". Should I divide 64G between partitions "/" (32G) and "data" (32G)? Will that be enough, considering linglong packages are going to be used a lot?

I think the requirement of deepin is that the space used by the system partitions in total bigger than 64G, including '/', 'data' and 'home', or you cannot explain how the 'install on entire disk' function work, for it will automatically divide the space into several partitions. (But I don't try that, so you'd better first try it in a virtual machine)

As for the linglong package, it's still in active development and we can hardly predict how big a linglong package will be. It may be even smaller than it is now. But I think it won't be bigger than a flatpak package. In addition, deepin won't abandon deb, snap and flatpak. So you don't need to worry too much.

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bo******[email protected]
2022-08-25 02:18
It has been deleted!
c***[email protected]
2022-08-26 04:00

I finally got it! The partition "data" is actually "home". So, 40G for "/" partiton should be enough!

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