Deepin 20 beta experience
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2020-06-05 02:31
Edited by bluesaka111 at 2020-6-4 18:32

The OS is beautifully crafted, but there are some aspects that can be improve:

+ Drive encryption: Current design will cause confusion to users as all the errors will be display on the top left of the screen instead of inside the decryption key field, and those errors only appear on the screen for around 5 seconds.
   > Problem is, most user will focus on the input field instead of anywhere else on the display, so if that user input the wrong decryption key, they will have no idea why they cant start the device which will lead to frustration experience.

+ Packaged drivers:
+ + Intel driver Iwlwifi: Will auto disconnect and reconnect repeatedly if connect to unstable wifi access point which did not happen on windows instance or pop!_OS instance. []
+ + Nvidia Graphic driver:
  • No easy way to update nvidia driver from deepin repo
  • No easy way to switch graphic and no ability to launch application using desired graphic video card.
+ + Bluetooth driver: Random disconnect

+ Input method: Fcixt doesnt support many language compare to Ibus, and in my case is Vietnamese Unikey.

+ App Store: Slow to load, and many apps did not match the description. For example: When I tried to download Firefox Quantum (EN), what I got is Firefox Quantum (ZH) which is very confusing.

Beside those issues above, Deepin provide fast, smooth experience with beautifully crafted UI and wallpapers (some cause taskbar status icons unviewable at full brightness) [].

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2020-06-05 17:14
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