dde-dock cannot be changed to 'efficient' mode
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2019-07-11 13:01
Something bizarre....I'm running Deepin 15.10. Restarted comp recently and dde-dock and entire desktop is stuck in 'fashion' mode. I right-clicked on the dock, Mode>Efficient and nothing happened.
I installed and ran dconf-editor, and drilled down to /com/deepin/dde/dock/display-mode. I then toggled off "use default value", clicked on "Custom value" and changed it to 'efficient' and clicked on the check box on the bottom right and nothing happens.
I then loaded a terminal window and typed:
$ sudo apt-get remove dde-dock
it removed dde and dde-dock. Then I typed:
$ sudo apt-get install dde-dock
and it installed dde and dde-dock. Once that was complete, I then typed:
$ ps aux|grep dde-dock
Found the PID and then typed:
$ sudo kill [PID]
dde-dock shutdown then restarted, tried right-clicking on the dock, Mode>Efficient Mode and NUTHIN.
Then I typed:
$ sudo find / -name 'dde.conf' -type f
and it found 4 files with dde in the name as conf files in /etc/deepin and /usr/share/dde-session-ui. None of the .conf files had any entry in it related to fashion or efficient mode so I left them as-is.
I've restarted the comp numerous times, to no avail. ANY IDEAS?!

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2019-07-11 21:40
本帖最后由 duanyao 于 2019-7-11 13:42 编辑

You may view the log when changing dock'mode:

tail -f  ~/.cache/deepin/dde-dock/dde-dock.log


journalctl --user -f


sudo journalctl -f

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2019-07-12 06:28
本帖最后由 duanyao 于 2019-7-11 13:42 编辑

You may view the log when changing dock'mode:

Thanks for the suggestion! Tried all three commands and the only thing that was reported when I right-clicked and switched modes was this:
Jul 11 10:27:46 shaya-deepin com.deepin.dde.Dock[10160]: 2019-07-11, 10:27:46.785 [Debug  ] [                                                         0] got TapAndHoldGesture
Jul 11 10:27:46 shaya-deepin com.deepin.dde.Dock[10160]: 2019-07-11, 10:27:46.785 [Debug  ] [                                                         0] got TapAndHoldGesture

Of course, nothing changed.
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2019-07-12 07:25
Thanks for the suggestion! Tried all three commands and the only thing that was reported when I ri ...

It seems there is no error in logs.

Can you sucessfully set com/deepin/dde/dock/display-mode to 'efficient' by dconf-editor? If not, maybe your dconf file (~/.config/dconf/user) is corrupted or not writable. You may recreate it and re-login (you will loose some settings ):

mv ~/.config/dconf/ ~/.config/dconf.bak

https://askubuntu.com/questions/ ... d-disabled-settings
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