Extra drive on read only
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2018-12-04 08:15
My computer has two ssd.
The mai has deepin and the secondary that i will use for games i recently formated as ext4.
When the system reboots it mounts as read only.
I have formated using gparted.
PLEASE help i cannot install nothing on that drive.
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2018-12-07 13:37
Change your drive permissions


Then try to install your games again
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2018-12-10 08:32
Edited by sukarof at 2018-12-10 00:33

I had the same problem. I wanted my Steam games on another drive.
I did a search on the net and there where lots of suggestions on how to take ownership, none of the worked for me. I didnt see the sugestion habios give (no one mentioned the 777 :/ ) so you might try that. If that doesnt work you might try this:

I got it working after downloading nautilus file manager (for some reason I cant find how to open as root in deepin's file manager :/ )
Make sure that the drive you want ownership on is mounted.
open nautilus as root from the terminal with: gksudo nautilus.
chose properties of the drive and then the tab "permissions".
Find your login name in the list and change "owner"  and "group" to that.
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