We recently got the scoop on the news of the release of the 15.8 version , today we want to tell you some of the most important news that will accompany future versions of our beloved deepin.
The first thing we want to highlight, is that the development of the distribution, will embark on a very ambitious plan, the same will be to launch each 3 or 4 weeks a version with significant modifications (of the desktop and the native applications) that will finally converge on a superior version. To exemplify what has been said, one could say that 15.8.1 will arrive one month later 15.8.2 and later 15.8.3 and 15.8.4 to finally end up in 15.9 as the version that collects all the new fea...Read More
Hi there Car! Those are big changes to Deepin. I compiled in Reddit a small list of small changes that I already sent, per email, to the Tech support :
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2018-11-28 02:07
https://www.reddit.com/r/deepin/comments/9zubiz/deepin_suggestions_to_improve_and_correct/?st=JOZKOSRC&sh=81c7cb90 Check, especially, point 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 15 and 26. Those are simple design problems.
The first thing we want to highlight, is that the development of the distribution, will embark on a very ambitious plan, the same will be to launch each 3 or 4 weeks a version with significant modifications (of the desktop and the native applications) that will finally converge on a superior version. To exemplify what has been said, one could say that 15.8.1 will arrive one month later 15.8.2 and later 15.8.3 and 15.8.4 to finally end up in 15.9 as the version that collects all the new fea...Read More
https://xn--deepinenespaol-1nb.o ... ersiones-de-deepin/
Content By :- Car