Why make it worse? Settings menu better on 15.7 than on 15.8
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2018-11-23 05:25
Before update from 15.7 to 15.8 one of the first things I've notice was the missing of brightness and volume on settings menu. Also notice the settings menu was different and different for worse. Where is the weather notification now?
Why Deepin made an update for worse?
1 - From 15.7 to 15.8 we want more functions, not less.
2 - Don't change what was good. The previous menu settings was great.
3 - Pay attention to apps and update apps on store. GNS3 not working, Opera not updated on store, etc. Apps on store shoud be a priority because this is the main feature for those who are not inside the linux world and want an OS easy to use.
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2018-11-23 05:44
emm...agree with part 3. Stable and apps always the most important things.
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2018-11-24 12:19
Bring back the brightness bar and sound bar on notifications!
Windows 10 added the brightness bar (new release) and Deepin removed it...
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2018-11-25 05:14
I totally agree! The control center was much better and prettier in the previous version. It is so simple and ordinary today.
Another point, the bar clock in fashion mode is very ugly! I thought they would change in this version, but it's still the same.
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2018-12-01 11:28
Good points!
The best thing about Deepin IMO is, that they constantly try out different and innovative designs that are really great.
But, as said, now the Control Center's start page is a bit useless compared to what it was, and those menu items are just stretched to cover the space.

Previously there were quick controls for Screen, VPN, Bluetooth etc. Personally I really miss the fast access to VPN.
Now I have to go to network -> vpn -> and then choose the connection I want to use - takes a lot of time to do this.

As a Suggestion, it would be Great if this quick access menu would come back - even better if those quick access menu items' visibility could be customized via preferences.

For example:
If each applicable Setup item could have their own quick access panels, then allow some of those to be selected and visible there in the  bottom of Control Center's Bottom part (the way it was) - User could choose which quick access menus are the most important for him/her.

Thank you team Deepin for all the great work so far, I truly appreciate what you are doing, and it's still the best distro for me that I've ever tried out (of many)!
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