Avogadro, Jmol and PyMOL in repos but not in store
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2018-10-02 16:10
Edited by fusion809 at 2018-10-2 08:11


I decided to check out deepin 15.7 in a VM and while it is generally wonderful (great work folks!) I noticed the Deepin Store is missing at least three applications, even though these apps are in the deepin repos (according to
  1. apt-cache search appname
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), their names are Avogadro, Jmol and PyMOL. If you's are feeling especially adventurous you may also want to add Avogadro2 to the repos, although it is presently in a pre-release state (but it is stable enough to enter Fedora's repos). I also would recommend adding a "Science" or "Education" category to the sidebar of Deepin Store, instead of placing such applications in the "Other" menu.

Thanks for your time and patience,
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2018-10-02 18:30
Thank you for your information and suggestions. I especially like the idea of adding more categories to the Deepin Store sidebar. Deepin uses Debian for base, so you might find quite a few apps in the repositories that are not in the Deepin Store. One of the qualifications is the quality and appearance of the applications graphical user interface. There is a special post for contributing to Deepin Store Quality Software.
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