Deepin Music and its search for texts and covers.
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2018-07-23 13:51
Deepin Music. Loads the cover and text yourself. In doing so, it does this only by the name of the song.
The artists are different. And it turns out I see completely different texts, not those covers.
Make it possible to turn off the search either completely or on exception "Artist - Name songs".

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2018-07-23 13:54
Edited by dmitryskibitskiy at 2018-7-23 05:56

Or he looks for a strict match from the beginning and when there is no result takes the name of the song. This is odd.
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2018-07-23 18:48
Click the search button,you can search by self keyword.

Howerer,own search result it support by, not friendly to user out of china...

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2018-07-24 01:44
I know that. But there are no lyrics and cover for this album for example.  But in the end it turns out I have no way to disable the fact that it is arbitrarily chosen.
2018-07-24 00:02
Click the search button,you can search by self keyword.

Howerer,own search result it support by 16 ...

I think the problem is deepin music always ignore some info in id3, such as cover.
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2018-07-24 01:57
agree,should the app take a look at the taginfo in the mp3 file first?
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2018-07-24 04:32
In short, I will repeat again what's wrong. The base from which you pull the text and the cover is not so extensive to exclude the possibility that the data will be found is not true (and it for the most part does: self takes the first match if not found anything) There why should I look at the covers that have nothing to do with the composition? Or give me the option to disable search for covers and lyrics or make a "list of exceptions" with the options "do not search for information about this artist", "do not look for this particular artist and this song." Otherwise it doesn't work right in this regard. And it's not finding lyrics and cover art and in logic and fact that there is little data in the cases where no hits are taken randomly match (as shown in the screenshot: framed artwork and text only the name of the song - it's not true)
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2018-07-24 04:41
I'm not pretension. I just want Deepin Music to be a little bit more logical in this respect) I wish Everyone good.
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