[End] 2018/07/06 Deepin Store V5.0 Internal Test 
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2018-07-07 00:55
Deepin Store is an application managing platform, used to display, download, install, review and rating applications. It collects different categories of apps, and each one is manually installed and verified. You can search apps, download them and install them at one-click in it.

Deepin Store V5.0 is rewritten and optimized based on user feedback and suggestions. And it will be updated and optimized continuously in future, keeping improving user experience.

Now, besides providing a better application management experience, we are also exploring the possibility of bringing benefits to application developers. So in the completely new Deepin Store V5.0, we not only optimized the page display and download speed, but also added the donate function to reward applications. In this way, application developers can, on the one hand, share the developed or discovered excellent applications to all users, on the other hand, get benefit from their open source and sharing mind. In addition, it helps open source  developers and enthusiasts explore new modes to promote the development of the open source ecosystem.

Deepin Store V5.0 is improved mainly on the basic application management, with new functions added as well. Please test on the improved and new functions, give your suggestions and help us find the bugs. All the functions are listed in the questionnare: http://cn.mikecrm.com/KtZEAFy.
  • Basic functions:  the slide show, the app cover, the topic cover in homepage display normally and can be opened correctly;
  • Application management function: the applications can be downloaded, updated or uninstalled properly;
  • New features: In the app page, you can also ask for update and donate. And submit recommended app information in Recommended App window from main menu.
  • During your test, if an exception occurs, you can find the log in Home directory and send it  to us in the internal test questionnaire. The file paths are as follows:
      Backend log path: ~/.cache/deepin/deepin-appstore/deepin-appstore.log
      Front-end web log path: ~/.cache/deepin/deepin-appstore/web-console.log
  • Test schedule
      2018.07.06: Start testing
      2018.07.06——2018.07.13: Test and fill in the test questionnaire
      2018.07.13: End the test

  • Use deepin daily
  • A member of Internal Test Group or the forum admin
  • Willing to trying new features
  • Do not disclosure the test repository and other info
  • Feedback actively in "Community Test" group in community

You will have these privileges:
  • Browse and post in specific limited sections;
  • Enjoy the latest functions 2-3 weeks earlier than others.

New features
This function is explored for open source developers, aiming at encouraging more enthusiasts.

Ask for update:
Many times we can't help users get the latest version of each app, so we need your help. If you find that an app has a newer version, please let us know by this feature and we will schedule an update as soon as possible.

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