Deepin System Monitor V1.4 is Released 
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2018-03-08 00:35
Deepin System Monitor V1.4 is a revision, which not only added some features, but also optimized some details and fixed bugs from users.
  • Added a trend diagram for monitoring disk information on the left panel;
  • Added "Compact Mode" in main menu, allowing display all the system monitoring information on lower resolution screen, including the additional disk information;
  • Optimized the “End process” dialog to follow system monitor window, to reduce the mouse movement distance;
  • Fixed the cursor focus problem in search box;
  • Fixed the issue that application icon cannot be found by * .desktop file in some cases;
  • Fixed the issue that when /proc file vanished, System Monitor crashed under extreme conditions;
    Compatible with the latest DTK API;
  • Updated the translations.
Welcome to use Deepin System Monitor V1.4 by updating system or downloading it in Deepin Store.

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2018-03-08 02:18
“酷酷哒~” kukuda~ Cool~
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