ibus Anthy or Mocz
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2017-11-05 00:29
hi guys can anyone help me to get ibus Anthy or Mocz on deepin.Many thank since there.
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2017-11-05 23:54
Edited by idbc at 2017-11-5 13:05

Hi, I am using ibus anthy.
But since Deepin added alt+shift layout switching ibus conflicts with system layout. I mean it works, but there is an issue with switching layout.
I am usin english, russian and japanese anthy inputs with ibus. Also I am usin english and russian with system tool. So when ibus is not running, i use super+space to switch layouts (en->ru, ru->en). When ibus is running, it works only with system En layout. And you have to switch ibus layouts with mouse click on it icon. I mean hotkeys doesn't work for ibus.
I do not using japanese constantly, so i am partly satisfied with the way it works.
You need these packages: anthy ibus-anthy kasumi
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