option to disable file manger windows preview in the dock
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2017-10-29 07:17
Edited by hitman72ita at 2017-10-28 23:21

Hi, would be useful an option to disable file manager windows preview from the dock and to show only the name of the opened folders (like in windows). so if into "pippo" folder I have "porno" and I have to open "documents" folder in front of other people, nobody see the content of pippo folder preview when with the mouse I move over to file manager icon on the dock. thank you

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2017-10-29 08:22
Go to settings -> the thing under the default apps (sorry,I don't know how they named it in English) -> Uncheck the "enable window effects" option.
This will disable all effects when you open,close,minimize,maximize,... a window but it will also disable the preview windows.
Then it will only display the window titles like you want it.
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2017-10-29 09:08
thank you, works (tested trough teamviewer from home) but conky gone, wallpaper gone... see if in the future there will be other ways :-)
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2017-10-29 09:52
I have one very bad laptop where I disabled the option,too,but for performance reasons.
The wallpaper is still there,so that must be a bug.
Try if you can set any wallpaper again.
Right click on the desktop -> Set wallpaper -> Select anyone from the menu.
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