Special Post for Contributing to Deepin Store Quality Software
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2017-01-05 21:14
Hello everyone,

Now, we open a post to facilitate contributing quality software to Deepin Store, and will follow up the related works in this post.

Contributing Process

1. Read“https://bbs.deepin.org/post/133777” to know the software collection standard;
2. Visit the web version of Deepin Store, and search whether the contributing software already exists;
3. Use the following template to submit software:
  • App Name:(The official name of the application here)
  • App Type:(Linux App, Windows App, WebApp or Android App here, default to Linux App)
  • Authorization:(not need here, or provide related information here for commercial license)
  • App Homepage:(The official homepage of the application here)
  • Download URL:(The official download URL of the application here)
  • Other Information:(Screenshot, introduction or other information here, optional)


Deepin Technology official decision (in the form of forum comments) on final software collection condition shall prevail.

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2018-06-19 04:31

App name: SoundNode (SoundClound)
App Type:  Linux App
App Homepage: http://www.soundnodeapp.com/#intro
Download URL: http://www.soundnodeapp.com/downloads/linux64/Soundnode.zip

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2018-06-19 11:10
Deepin should allow the user's to have control over their comments in Deepin Store (Create and Retrieve its already implemented, but still missing Update and Delete comments).

Deepin debería permitir a los usuarios tener control sobre sus comentarios en "Deepin Store" (Actualmente se pueden crear y retirar, pero aún falta actualizar y eliminar comentarios).
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2018-06-20 11:35
Edited by user_draig at 2018-7-2 18:48

    App Name:Visual Paradigm Community Edition (For non-commercial use)
    App Type:Multi plataform (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X) [The download url it's for the Linux edition]
    Authorization:FREE for non-commercial use only (Its needed to give a email for a authorization code to non-commercial use)
    App Homepage:https://www.visual-paradigm.com/
    Download URL:https://www.visual-paradigm.com/download/community.jsp
    Other Information:Its a design tool (Diagrams like UML, ER, State machine...), the instaler is a .sh and again, it require a email to send the authorization code for non-comercial use. Its designed in java, actually runs pretty well in Deepin.

                  (Integration with Deepin)

                     (Desktop shortcut)

                       (Loading screen)

                   (New diagram options)

(Active [And academic] Entity Relation [ER] Diagram)

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2018-06-23 00:21
Edited by alexrebl at 2018-6-22 16:26

App name :  Adobe Photoshop CS6 (OR CC2014)
App Type:   Windows App
App Homepage:  https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/download-photoshop.html  
Download URL:  https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/download-photoshop.html  

Help install:
1. Run install Setup.exe in Crossover
2. Create bottle switch windows-7 / windows-10 (perhaps XP).
3. Before create/install bottle and  application,  add Lib options:
gdiplus, msxml3, msxml6, vcrun2008, vcrun2010, vcrun2012, vcrun2013,  Atmlib (for wine)
Visual Basic, Visual C++, .NET ,Times new roman , other ttf fonts.
4. Run create bottle => install Photoshop.exe
5. Install NET Framework 4.5.2   https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=42642   in this bottle.
6. After, run Photoshop x64 in Desktop icon

7. Photoshop => edit => Preference (Ctrl + K)
    Lange – Your Lange.
    Theme – You theme.

   Shadow – off
   Export clipboard – off  / on

  Edit RAM.

Edit cursor.

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2018-06-28 20:03
App Name:Backup and Sync
App Type:Windows App
App Homepage:https://www.google.com/intl/en_US/drive/download/
Download URL:https://www.google.com/intl/en_US/drive/download/thankyou/
Other Information:Back up files from your computer, camera, or SD cards to the cloud. Find your files on any device or computer using Google Drive, and see your photos in Google Photos.
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2018-07-30 00:21
App Name: Asciinema
App Type: Linux App
Authorization: Not need here.
App Homepage: https://asciinema.org
Download: https://asciinema.org/docs/installation#installing-on-linux
Other Information: Forget screen recording apps and blurry video. Enjoy a lightweight, purely text-based approach to terminal recording.
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2018-07-30 17:49
Maxximo88 发表于 2017-5-25 15:33
Please add KDE Connect to Deepin!

you can innstall it from apt
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2018-08-05 16:50
Edited by vanguard2046 at 2018-8-5 08:55

    App Name:CDEmu
    App Type:Linux App
    Authorization: Open Source
    App Homepage:https://cdemu.sourceforge.io/
    Download URL:https://launchpad.net/~cdemu/+archive/ubuntu/ppa
    Other Information:CDemu - a virtual CD/DVD drive for Linux. Project includes Linux kernel module & userspace utilities.
                                 Related link: https://bbs.deepin.org/post/37405

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2018-08-09 06:28
App Name: Autodesk maya
App Type: Linux App
Authorization: Not need here.
App Homepage: https://knowledge.autodesk.com
Download:  https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/maya/learn-explore/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2017/ENU/Installation-Maya/files/GUID-3E0A3A36-B1C2-4B91-994B-731C672D9694-htm.html   ( http://download.autodesk.com/us/support/files/maya_product_help/maya2014.5_help_enu_lnx.tgz )
Other Inform: 3D editor.

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2018-09-22 16:09
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