Deepin Boot Maker failure
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2016-09-06 18:33
I am currently trying to install the deepin 15 distro on my acer aspire r5 laptop (really new). When I use the deepin boot maker to format my pny 128gb usb 3.0 flashdrive it says that it "failed to unzip the mirror file, please use the whole mirror file." I havn't touched the iso file that I downloaded from the offical website, so I have no idea to what it's talking about.

I would really like to try this distro but I am currently having so much trouble just getting the thing to work on my thumbdrive. Please if you have any suggestions let me know, I am desperate to get this thing working!
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2016-09-06 19:56
Hello. I do not know what OS you have installed currently, but UNetbootin usb writer can be used on both Windows and Linux to make a bootable Deepin on thumbdrive. If you are using Windows you can also use Win32diskimager, Etcher, or Rufus, amongst others. Good luck.
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2016-09-07 16:01
Hi Stevex, my laptop runs linux mint 17 but its not working hence why I want to switch (graphical driver problem). I have been using Unetbootin as well to see if that works, but the problem is that it formats my thumb drive to exfat, which won't show in the boot loader after restarting my laptop. Is there any advice you could give to this problem? Thanks for the reply
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2016-09-07 16:59
Hello sschultz,       What pc and operating system did you use to download and the burn or write the Deepin iso file to usb? You should probably just forget the Deepin boot maker for now and try Win32diskimager, Etcher, or Rufus ( all used on Windows ). You should check that the Deepin iso file you downloaded is not corrupted by checking it against the Midsum. The above usb writing tool will auto format your usb before writing the Deepin iso to usb stick. Is there anything on your thumbdrive that you want to keep, because the writing tool will wipe the disk while formatting before burning the iso to it? Oh, are you pressing the F2 key to bring up the boot device menu before the normal boot menu appears?
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2016-09-08 02:12
  you can just unzip the iso file to the flashdrive and reboot to chose UEFI install (since you have really new laptop,the OS you are using must install whit UEFI).
  if it doesn't work check the MD5 .official recommends using Deepin boot maker ,if you use other it sometimes would't boot.
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2016-09-10 08:43
Hello sschultz,       What pc and operating system did you use to download and the burn or write the ...

Ok, I tried running it through a s different program, this time I tried Win32Diskmaker and I got the the same error message that I got when I tried Unetbootin
The error message said: Error:file`/live/vmlinuz.efi` not found. unaligned pointer 0x2ad628e6bf744r0

Do you know what I am doing wrong? I think because the program still won't format the usb into UEfI and both programs wouldn't allow me to choose that file format, but I could be wrong...
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2016-09-10 09:13
Edited by stevex at 2016-9-10 09:35

Hi. Not sure what the problem is, but you could try one more time burning the iso image to your usb using "Etcher" usb writer, which is new and usually successful. If this does not work, I would suggest  downloading the Deepin iso file again, for the downloaded iso may have been corrupt from the get go, and perhaps that is why installation has failed so far. Also, you could Google the errors and see if there is a fix. Good luck. One more thought,just wanter to be sure Secure boot is off if it is a Windows pc.
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