Create Mirror For Bangladesh
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2016-08-27 04:53
Dear Deepin Developers,

In Bangladesh we can't update our Deepin OS or we can't install something from Deepin Store. We changed our mirror site couple of times but nothing happend. Most of them says timeout and some connection says medium. we have a great deepin lovers comunity in Bangladesh. please do something to increase deepin lovers in Bangladesh.

Best Regards
Swarup Saha
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2016-08-27 06:47
Edited by com_bvv at 2016-8-26 22:49

to prescribe in /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb unstable main contrib non-free
comment all the rest
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Good Luck!
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2016-09-09 06:15
Try to find the mirror closest to you. (Usually the best, but not always)
If you run such command to benchmark them (manually)

    netselect -v -t 50 $(curl -L

It seems the dev are working on speed test for mirrors. Hopefully, this will be finished soon.

For info, I've been using Sabayon for long time and I have always appreciated their command line to sort the mirror by speed (Doing a speed test, not just a ping or location, but actually downlading a test file and then ranking all the available mirrors by this test. And after a while, if the 1st mirror was not sync or having issues, it would use the second, then the third,...).
Nice way to do it.

Hopefully Deepin team will do even better !
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