unable to install chesse webcam app
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2016-08-20 19:24
hi ,
yestaday i had installed deepin 15.2 64 bit os on my computer, the previous version was 15.1 32 bit but after installing i found many problems like i am not able to update the software from sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade,
the cheese software for my webcam or any other software are not getting update or installed from deepin store
my speaker is working but the sub woffer are not getting detected

Please let me know what setting should i check
the source list of mirror in my computer is  mention below

## Generated by deepin-installer
deb [by-hash=force] http://packages.deepin.com/deepin unstable main contrib non-free
#deb-src http://packages.deepin.com/deepin unstable main contrib non-free

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2016-08-21 04:59
Hello. You can try to update in the control center(System Information) and try different mirrors., for maybe the official mirror was having problems when you tried updating through the terminal. Good luck.
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