can you fix dependencies for tasksel?
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2016-08-17 10:02
can you fix dependencies for tasksel?
I'd like to be able to to install full-featured desktop environments to choose from.

The dependencies are all broken at the moment and uninstallable, it works just fine in debian jessie however

is this fixable?

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2016-08-17 10:16
You're an ordinary Troll. You should not be here!
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2016-08-17 10:48
how am i a troll?
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2016-08-17 10:55

About what dependencies are you talking about?
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2016-08-17 11:07
the result i got from aptitude

  1. sudo aptitude install  task-mate-desktop task-xfce-desktop task-gnome-desktop task-kde-desktop task-lxde-desktop task-cinnamon-desktop task-desktop

  2. The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  3. gtk-update-icon-cache : Breaks: libgtk2.0-bin (< 2.24.30-2) but 2.24.30-1.1 is to be installed
  4.                          Breaks: libgtk2.0-bin:i386 (< 2.24.30-2) but it is not going to be installed
  5. gnome-terminal : Conflicts: nautilus-open-terminal but 0.20-51 is installed
  6. kactivities : Breaks: libkactivities-bin but 4:4.13.3-1 is to be installed
  7. gnome-documents : Conflicts: libreoffice-gtk3 (<= 1:5.1.1-1) but 1:5.1.0~rc2-1 is to be installed
  8. The following actions will resolve these dependencies:

  9.       Remove the following packages:                                
  10. 1)      nautilus-open-terminal [0.20-51 (, now)]              

  11.       Keep the following packages at their current version:         
  12. 2)      gnome [Not Installed]                                       
  13. 3)      gnome-documents [Not Installed]                             
  14. 4)      libgtk2.0-bin [Not Installed]                              
  15. 5)      libkactivities-bin [Not Installed]                          
  16. 6)      mate-control-center [Not Installed]                        
  17. 7)      mate-desktop-environment [Not Installed]                    
  18. 8)      mate-desktop-environment-core [Not Installed]               
  19. 9)      mate-icon-theme [Not Installed]                             
  20. 10)     mate-icon-theme-faenza [Not Installed]                     
  21. 11)     mate-themes [Not Installed]                                 
  22. 12)     task-mate-desktop [Not Installed]                           

  23.       Leave the following dependencies unresolved:                  
  24. 13)     cinnamon-desktop-environment recommends mate-themes         
  25. 14)     engrampa recommends mate-icon-theme                        
  26. 15)     libkactivities6 recommends libkactivities-bin (= 4:4.13.3-1)
  27. 16)     task-gnome-desktop recommends gnome                        

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I tried other aptitude solutions, but none of them have worked
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2016-08-17 11:13
With this it is necessary to start, but where is Deepin? Set yourself a ubuntu...
I'm sorry that I spent my time on you...
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2016-08-17 11:33
huh?  why?
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2016-08-18 00:19
any chance it might be possible to install them all?
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2016-08-18 00:47
If you are on depin ther will be no support for foreign desktop environments at all. So there is no chance foor xfce mate and so one. Because Deepin is first of all the cool deepin dde. If you like to use other stuff use an other distro and you'll be fine
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2016-08-18 01:31
OK, fair enough,
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2016-08-18 04:50
Edited by tristar at 2016-8-17 13:54
OK, fair enough,

You can do simple trick. In /etc/apt/sources.list you can add debian SID repository, update and then install whatever you need to install. It's really simple and it's your copy of deepin and you have right to do whatever you want with it, you can even install other desktops if they are in sid repository.
add this in to your sources.list:
deb sid main contrib non-free

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2016-08-18 04:56
You're an ordinary Troll. You should not be here!

IMHO you should not be here, because you are insulting users of this forum whenever you can!
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2016-08-18 06:19
You can do simple trick. In /etc/apt/sources.list you can add debian SID repository, update and the ...

Thanks very much!

I'll give this a try and let you know how it goes
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2016-08-18 07:52
I was able to install every desktop environment except for KDE using the sid repository, thanks!

KDE wanted to remove everything related to DDE for some reason

  1. The following actions will resolve these dependencies:

  2.       Remove the following packages:                                    
  3. 1)      nautilus-open-terminal [0.20-51 (, now)]                  
  4. 2)      pulseaudio-module-x11 [8.0-2 (, now)]                     

  5.       Install the following packages:                                   
  6. 3)      libreoffice-gtk2 [1:5.2.0-1 (unstable)]                        
  7. 4)      libwebrtc-audio-processing1 [0.3-1 (unstable)]                  

  8.       Keep the following packages at their current version:            
  9. 5)      libreoffice-gtk [Not Installed]                                 

  10.       Upgrade the following packages:                                   
  11. 6)      bind9-host [1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-10 (, now) -> 1:9.10.3.dfsg.P
  12. 7)      gtk2-engines-pixbuf [2.24.30-1.1 (, now) -> 2.24.30-4 (uns
  13. 8)      libc-dev-bin [2.22-9 (, now) -> 2.23-4 (unstable)]        
  14. 9)      libc6-dev [2.22-9 (, now) -> 2.23-4 (unstable)]           
  15. 10)     libgnutls-openssl27 [3.4.9-2 (, now) -> 3.5.2-2 (unstable)
  16. 11)     libpolkit-backend-1-0 [0.105-15 (, now) -> 0.105-16 (unsta
  17. 12)     libpulsedsp [8.0-2 (, now) -> 9.0-2 (unstable)]           
  18. 13)     policykit-1 [0.105-15 (, now) -> 0.105-16 (unstable)]     
  19. 14)     pulseaudio [8.0-2 (, now) -> 9.0-2 (unstable)]            
  20. 15)     pulseaudio-module-bluetooth [8.0-2 (, now) -> 9.0-2 (unsta
  21. 16)     pulseaudio-utils [8.0-2 (, now) -> 9.0-2 (unstable)]      
  22. 17)     tasksel-data [3.34 (, now) -> 3.35 (unstable)]            

  23.       Leave the following dependencies unresolved:                     
  24. 18)     pulseaudio recommends pulseaudio-module-x11                     

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seems only some minor things got removed, not a big deal
thanks again
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2016-09-08 13:19
You're an ordinary Troll. You should not be here!

You really have a bad attitude. Please be nice and gentle. There is no problem in the original question. Why shouldn't Deepin maintain compatibility with Debian and allow the concurrent install of different desktop environments? Even if it wouldn't allow it your attitude is simply wrong and bad.
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2016-09-08 13:29
If you are on depin ther will be no support for foreign desktop environments at all. So there is no  ...

I disagree. No official support yes, but enforcing users not to be able to use it then no. If it comes the day that Deepin forces users to not use any other software than the one that Deepin offers it's the day that I'll stop using it. The beauty of Linux is the diversity and options available. You are free to choose. Deepin is based on Debian, so it's natural to expect to be able to run all or most of the software that runs on Debian. Even if it requires some tweaking.
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