2015-02-09 14:34 deepin
if you go to control center->keyboard shortcuts, you can see list of shortcuts related to windows and workspace.
if you go to control center->keyboard shortcuts, you can see list of shortcuts related to windows and workspace.
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--Begin ramble --
First I want to say, I am part of a phalanthropy committee at work where I take the life cycled desktops and install linux and give the machines to the under priviledged. I have been puting Deepin on approximately 30% of these computers.
During this process my wife saw Deepin and thought it was really neat, so she has converted.
-- end ramble --
I have been working with the Deepin desktop on Arch Linux and I have to say it is quiet appealing even for me as a sysadmin/power user. My main desktop is always gnome, and so I got used to some of the functionality I find myself missing. Particularly the ability to snap windows to the sides of the screen with keyboard shortcuts. I know that you can drag the applications around to achieve the same affect but I rarely take my hands off the keyboard
Is there a way to emulate the following:
Maximize/Full screen
Snap to left side
Snap to right side
Send an application to a different monitor (I have 5)
Thanks in advance!