Suggestions for desktop Deepin DE.
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2014-10-05 14:46

Today experimented  the distro deepin 2014.1, the distro wonderful and easy to use, but I have some suggestions to improve the desktop interface

I think that the desktop interface based on GNOME or cinnamon, but I think that the interface Deepin DE would have been better if it were based on KDE, and the reason is that KDE contains a lot of features and the user can customize and there are a lot of additions, also I can change place bar tasks to any side of the screen, and this can not be done with the interface deepin DE current

KDE also contain additives such as wonderful wall clock that I can add it on the desktop

Therefore, I suggest the development team distro deepin to do the same by issuing a copy of the current interface and the same features, but based on the interface KDE

Distribution deepin 2014 really wonderful and distinctive,

Greetings to the development team

But why is there no page collecting donations to support the distro? Most distributions GNU/linux have a page to collect donations, We would be happy participate in deepin support even continue for the better

Good luck to all.
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2014-10-06 05:29

DDE not base on GNOME or KDE, all modules, include html5 user interface and golang backend, all code is rewrite from scratch.

Hope above answer will help. ;)
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