Linux Deepin Updates Youtube Video
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2014-01-26 22:26
Hello Forum

I'm writing this in response to my video that I made explaining an issue I had with the updates that seem to break or at least partially break the customization section in the settings manager.

Some responses on one of my posts have taken this video and put it in a negative light, this video was not intended to be used as leverage to get things done"asap" as one of the replies mentioned.  By no means am I as a Youtuber telling the dev's what to do.  

You make a wonderful system and I am honored to use it.  It's very polished and beautiful and it works.  This little mishap would not ever stop me from using this o/s.  I'm proud to have Linux Deepin on my computer.

The video was intended to help people that are new to installing Deepin and a way to avoid this issue.

So I apologize to the developer's if this has offended them in any way.  I appreciate everything you have done to make this system.

Thank You  

Jeff Linux Turner
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r***[email protected]
2014-01-27 09:19
Cool Deal Jeff, Reginald here.  That was not my intention either. I was just thinking that either they were not aware of what the changes did or perhaps it was an oversight.  I am just hoping they will have a fix shortly.  Thanks again for supporting Deepin
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