[forum suggestion] Watchtower Lbrary Wine
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2025-02-04 14:06

Hi All, I have a few distro runing watchtower library (elementary os, Linux mint, Ubuntu), i found the Deepin OS and is very impressed with this distro, Thx you guys has created a very nice distro and very effecient one as well, however i cannot get the window app running in wine. Anyone has use this software and have success in get it t work? I did not manage to get any error log for this issue , thus I do not know where to start in the troubleshooting. Any advise. I am very new in this distro.

(Watchtower library software is created by Jeovah's witnesses for study and reseach in Bible matters and is one of the best library app, free as well )


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2025-02-05 16:57
It has been deleted!
2025-02-13 17:25

I'm new to Deepin OS and impressed with its efficiency! However, I'm having trouble running the Watchtower Library app using Wine. Has anyone successfully run this app on Deepin OS? Any advice or troubleshooting tips would be greatly appreciated. mylonestar email

Best Regards,
Peter Philip

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