The following content is from user @qq4945286, thanks for the sharing!
1: First, use the following command to check the network card model:
lspci | grep -i eth
2: Download the network card driver package:
Download Link (Access Code: jxu6)
After downloading, extract the file. Then, right-click inside the extracted folder and choose "Open in Terminal."
3: Run the following two commands:
sudo chmod +x # Grant execute permission
sudo sh # Run the script
And that's it!
At this point, your wired network should be able to connect.
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The following content is from user @qq4945286, thanks for the sharing!
1: First, use the following command to check the network card model:
lspci | grep -i eth
2: Download the network card driver package:
Download Link (Access Code: jxu6)
After downloading, extract the file. Then, right-click inside the extracted folder and choose "Open in Terminal."
3: Run the following two commands:
sudo chmod +x # Grant execute permission
sudo sh # Run the script
And that's it!
At this point, your wired network should be able to connect.