[problem help] Installation Panels are blank
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j***[email protected]
2024-05-27 18:34


Attempting the install via the bootup desktop, or diretly from the boot menu I m presented with blank white panels/windows. From the boot to desktop option the desktop loads with all icons, menu bars, etc., but choosing installer the panel/window is blank white. Booting directly into an installation option (Kernel v6), the language menu is seen, I select English and the next panel/window is blank white.

PC is a Dell Inspiron 1545 Laptop 64bit with 6GB RAM, 500GB HDD

Any help please

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2024-05-28 07:57

Hey there,

It sounds like you're having some trouble with the Deepin installer showing blank white screens. This is a bit of a head-scratcher, but there are a few things you can try:

  1. If you're using a USB drive, try creating a new one with a different tool (like Rufus or Etcher). It's possible the current one is corrupted. You could also try downloading a fresh copy of the ISO just in case.
  2. Sometimes, compatibility issues with graphics drivers can cause weird display problems during installation. If your laptop has both Intel integrated graphics and a dedicated GPU (like Nvidia), try booting the installer with the "nomodeset" option. You can usually do this by pressing "e" at the boot menu, finding the line that starts with "linux", and adding "nomodeset" to the end.
  3. Experiment with different boot options. Some people have had success by adding "acpi=off" or "noapic" to the boot parameters (like we did with "nomodeset").
  4. It's a long shot, but make sure your laptop's RAM is seated properly. You could also try temporarily removing one stick if you have two. Faulty hardware can sometimes cause strange errors like this.

Hope this helps! Don't give up, you'll get Deepin up and running eventually!

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j***[email protected]
2024-05-28 15:16

Thanks 'Owensuwu' ..... I'll give these suggestions a try.

As this is the only 'distro' that seems to present these issues (yesterday installed Elementary 7.1 to eliminate potential hardware issues -- all fine). It is weird though, all panels/windows/drop down menus are blank, even using the USB 'live' boot. Image was cut using Belena Etcher v.1.10.6. I'll install the latest version, may make a difference 🤞

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j***[email protected]
2024-05-31 03:54

Hi ..... looks like the issue is with the Laptop + Deepin 'combo'. Basically they don't get on 😭 , installations from other distro's are fine (Zorin, Elementary, MX, etc.). Installation media works fine on my two full sized floor standing PC's, and I am pleased with the installation. My final thought was that it didn't like overlaying a previous Linux install and drive mapping/installation, but even 'flattening' the HDD with GPart back to 'bare bones' had no effect.

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j***[email protected]
2024-06-17 23:33

Update ....... Tried getting around this issue having done the following, without success -

  1. Rebuilt the USB from a fresh .iso image
  2. Rebuilt the USB from a torrent download
  3. Run through all the available kernel options from the boot screen
  4. Tried starting the installation from a 'live session' - this gave me a crude resolution 768 x 480 with desktop and 'dock' icons (two desktop icons (install and home)). Select ANY option from the desktop, the result is a blank white panel.
  5. Desperation setting in .... downloaded 'RebornOS' and selected Deepin as desktop (DDE). Result was the same as described in the use of 'Live Session' .... crude desktop resolution, selecting any option bveyond that presentation resulted in a blank white pane/window

As stated before all other distro options work (some great, some slow and clunky).

I have Deepin installed and running from tower pc's (using one to write this) and I am a very 'happy bunny'. The rendition is first class (very smooth), presentation is among the best I've seen on my 32" 4K monitor.

I guess I'll just have to accept the distro have moved beyond the capability of my old Dell Inspiron 1545(64bit), 6GB RAM, 250GB HDD

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