进入deepin-wsl 运行sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y直接卡死,每次都卡在下面这个地方
unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
falling back to frontend: Readline
debconf: falling back to frontend: Teletype
进入deepin-wsl 运行sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y直接卡死,每次都卡在下面这个地方
unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
falling back to frontend: Readline
debconf: falling back to frontend: Teletype
进入deepin-wsl 运行sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y直接卡死,每次都卡在下面这个地方
unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
falling back to frontend: Readline
debconf: falling back to frontend: Teletype
apt安装问题,请提供更多的日志信息,排查问题,目前我都正常使用。请问你是不是 ssh 远程wsl进行更新操作。会提示这个无法初始化前端。这和 wsl 本身没有关系。
进入deepin-wsl 运行sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y直接卡死,每次都卡在下面这个地方
unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
falling back to frontend: Readline
debconf: falling back to frontend: Teletype
找到问题了,你这个情况是默认没开启 systemd
wsl2 是默认没有开启 systemd 来管理系统的。
你可以进入 deepin WSL 中执行以下命令。
sudo tee /etc/wsl.conf <
在 Windows 终端中执行wsl -t deepin
来停止 deepin WSL 运行,执行 wsl -d deepin
重新进入。查看 systemd 服务是否正常启动,systemctl status dbus
● dbus.service - D-Bus System Message Bus
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/dbus.service; static)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2024-06-21 14:53:28 CST; 2 days ago
TriggeredBy: ● dbus.socket
Docs: man:dbus-daemon(1)
Main PID: 777 (dbus-daemon)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 37990)
Memory: 33.0M (peak: 51.3M)
CPU: 1min 354ms
CGroup: /system.slice/dbus.service
如果显示不正常,说明服务没启动成功,可能 wsl 没更新到最新版不支持,在 Windows 终端执行,wsl --update
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deepin RC releases a new version, with an updated version of deepin-WSL.
It can be downloaded and used from the Microsoft Store. If you install an older version, it is uncertain whether an update will be successful, so it is recommended to back up your development data.