I have Deepin v23 beta3 installed. I haven't booted into it in awhile, I have other operating systems which I multi-boot. I wanted to boot Deepin and it gives me text about VMX disabled in BIOS (normal for my system) and just goes to blank screen. It won't boot. It's beta, I will reinstall and try again. I just wanted to post feedback about this if it can be helpful to developers. Here is my system info from another OS.
I have Deepin v23 beta3 installed. I haven't booted into it in awhile, I have other operating systems which I multi-boot. I wanted to boot Deepin and it gives me text about VMX disabled in BIOS (normal for my system) and just goes to blank screen. It won't boot. It's beta, I will reinstall and try again. I just wanted to post feedback about this if it can be helpful to developers. Here is my system info from another OS.