Also, we need a better translate to our project name. Its Chinese name is "深汇文档".
大多数,我还能看得懂My son is also a middle school student (grade 9) too!

Overall, it looks very good. My only suggestion would be to correct spelling/grammer on Change the last sentence from "This is not the offical document of deepin, The resourses we choose is only for reference." to "This is not official deepin documentation. The resources we have chosen are only for reference."
Thank you for your work.
Overall, it looks very good. My only suggestion would be to correct spelling/grammer on Change the last sentence from "This is not the offical document of deepin, The resourses we choose is only for reference." to "This is not official deepin documentation. The resources we have chosen are only for reference."
Thank you for your work.
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Hi, I am a contributer of Depcol Document Project (a project to collect documents started by @pzm9012, and @阿尼樱奈奈 is also the member). Now we are trying to translate Deepin Common Q&A to international deepin users. We have finished the translation of the page "Frequently-asked Questions" and "Thanks".
I am only a middle school student (grade 9) from Jiangxi, China. My English is not good. There may be some mistakes, and we'd appreciate it if you can help improve the documents.
The link to the document website (on vitepress):
The link to the document repository (on GitLab):