[Kernel/Drive] Deepin 20.9 Graphics issue with 5.18.17 kernel
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a***[email protected]
2024-02-21 17:33

I have latest machine and I am unable to install deepin 20 with 5.15 kernel. So I tried with 5.18 and it got installed. But issue is that now the brightness is not working also the resolution is not changing. What is missing so that i can install that and fix. Thanks

inxi -F

Graphics:  Device-1: Intel driver: N/A 
           Display: x11 server: X.Org 1.20.11 driver: fbdev unloaded: modesetting,vesa 
           resolution: 1440x900~77Hz 
           OpenGL: renderer: llvmpipe (LLVM 13.0.1 256 bits) v: 4.5 Mesa 21.3.8 
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2024-02-22 15:38

When you installed the system, did you choose to install it with the option (safe graphics)?

Installing the system with that option is not recommended because it blocks the graphics driver.

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a***[email protected]
2024-02-22 18:46

When you installed the system, did you choose to install it with the option (safe graphics)?

Installing the system with that option is not recommended because it blocks the graphics driver.

Thanks for replying.
I have tried with both way. Safe and without safe graphics. same issue.
Problem is with the kernel

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g***[email protected]
2024-09-04 17:43


I am also facing the same problem, and I did not used the safe-graphics option.

I tried to install the deepin Graphics Driver Manager from git but it doesn't install.

Would appretiate some help.

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