ll-cli list --json
看看迅雷 com.xunlei.download
的信息,kind 是 app 还是 runtime?目前发现有一些玲珑应用安装后识别为运行环境依赖而不是应用了......
ll-cli list --json
看看迅雷 com.xunlei.download
的信息,kind 是 app 还是 runtime?目前发现有一些玲珑应用安装后识别为运行环境依赖而不是应用了......
nsz@nsz-PC:~$ ll-cli list --json com.xunlei.download
Unexpected argument: list, --json, com.xunlei.download
linglong CLI
A CLI program to run application and manage linglong pagoda and tiers.
ll-cli [--json] --version
ll-cli [--json] run APP [--no-dbus-proxy] [--dbus-proxy-cfg=PATH] [--] [COMMAND...]
ll-cli [--json] ps
ll-cli [--json] exec PAGODA [--working-directory=PATH] [--] COMMAND...
ll-cli [--json] enter PAGODA [--working-directory=PATH] [--] [COMMAND...]
ll-cli [--json] kill PAGODA
ll-cli [--json] [--no-dbus] install TIER...
ll-cli [--json] uninstall TIER... [--all] [--prune]
ll-cli [--json] upgrade TIER...
ll-cli [--json] search [--type=TYPE] TEXT
ll-cli [--json] [--no-dbus] list [--type=TYPE]
ll-cli [--json] repo [modify [--name=REPO] URL]
ll-cli [--json] info LAYER
APP Specify the application.
PAGODA Specify the pagodas (container).
TIER Specify the tier (container layer).
URL Specify the new repo URL.
TEXT The text used to search tiers.
LAYER Specify the layer path
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
--json Use json to output command result.
--no-dbus Use peer to peer DBus, this is used only in case that DBus daemon is not available.
--no-dbus-proxy Do not enable linglong-dbus-proxy.
--dbus-proxy-cfg=PATH Path of config of linglong-dbus-proxy.
--working-directory=PATH Specify working directory.
--type=TYPE Filter result with tiers type. One of "lib", "app" or "dev". [default: app]
--state=STATE Filter result with the tiers install state. Should be "local" or "remote". [default: local]
--prune Remove application data if the tier is an application and all version of that application has been removed.
run Run an application.
ps List all pagodas.
exec Execute command in a pagoda.
enter Enter a pagoda.
kill Stop applications and remove the pagoda.
install Install tier(s).
uninstall Uninstall tier(s).
upgrade Upgrade tier(s).
search Search for tiers.
list List known tiers.
repo Display or modify information of the repository currently using.
info Display the information of layer
nsz@nsz-PC:~$ ll-cli list --json com.xunlei.download
Unexpected argument: list, --json, com.xunlei.download
linglong CLI
A CLI program to run application and manage linglong pagoda and tiers.
ll-cli [--json] --version
ll-cli [--json] run APP [--no-dbus-proxy] [--dbus-proxy-cfg=PATH] [--] [COMMAND...]
ll-cli [--json] ps
ll-cli [--json] exec PAGODA [--working-directory=PATH] [--] COMMAND...
ll-cli [--json] enter PAGODA [--working-directory=PATH] [--] [COMMAND...]
ll-cli [--json] kill PAGODA
ll-cli [--json] [--no-dbus] install TIER...
ll-cli [--json] uninstall TIER... [--all] [--prune]
ll-cli [--json] upgrade TIER...
ll-cli [--json] search [--type=TYPE] TEXT
ll-cli [--json] [--no-dbus] list [--type=TYPE]
ll-cli [--json] repo [modify [--name=REPO] URL]
ll-cli [--json] info LAYER
APP Specify the application.
PAGODA Specify the pagodas (container).
TIER Specify the tier (container layer).
URL Specify the new repo URL.
TEXT The text used to search tiers.
LAYER Specify the layer path
-h --help Show this screen.
--version Show version.
--json Use json to output command result.
--no-dbus Use peer to peer DBus, this is used only in case that DBus daemon is not available.
--no-dbus-proxy Do not enable linglong-dbus-proxy.
--dbus-proxy-cfg=PATH Path of config of linglong-dbus-proxy.
--working-directory=PATH Specify working directory.
--type=TYPE Filter result with tiers type. One of "lib", "app" or "dev". [default: app]
--state=STATE Filter result with the tiers install state. Should be "local" or "remote". [default: local]
--prune Remove application data if the tier is an application and all version of that application has been removed.
run Run an application.
ps List all pagodas.
exec Execute command in a pagoda.
enter Enter a pagoda.
kill Stop applications and remove the pagoda.
install Install tier(s).
uninstall Uninstall tier(s).
upgrade Upgrade tier(s).
search Search for tiers.
list List known tiers.
repo Display or modify information of the repository currently using.
info Display the information of layer
ll-cli list --json
即可,会以 json 格式输出安装的所有玲珑包信息
ll-cli list --json
看看迅雷 com.xunlei.download
的信息,kind 是 app 还是 runtime?目前发现有一些玲珑应用安装后识别为运行环境依赖而不是应用了......
nsz@nsz-PC:~$ ll-cli list --json
"appId": "org.dde.calendar",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "calendar for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "dde-calendar",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": "5.12.0"
"appId": "org.deepin.Runtime",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "runtime environment of deepin",
"kind": "runtime",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-runtime",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.basics/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.browser",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "browser for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-browser",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.calculator",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "calculator for deepin os",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-calculator",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.camera",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "camera for deepin os",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-camera",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.compressor",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "compressor for deepin os",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-compressor",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.draw",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "draw for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-draw",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": "6.0.5"
"appId": "org.deepin.editor",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "editor for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-editor",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": "6.0.13"
"appId": "org.deepin.gomoku",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "gomoku for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-gomoku",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.lianliankan",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "lianliankan for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-lianliankan",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.mail",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "mail client for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-mail",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.manual",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "manual for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-manual",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.movie",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "movie player for deepin os",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-movie",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": "6.0.6"
"appId": "org.deepin.reader",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "reader for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-reader",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.screen-recorder",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "screen recorder for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-screen-recorder",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
nsz@nsz-PC:~$ ll-cli list --json
"appId": "org.dde.calendar",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "calendar for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "dde-calendar",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": "5.12.0"
"appId": "org.deepin.Runtime",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "runtime environment of deepin",
"kind": "runtime",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-runtime",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.basics/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.browser",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "browser for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-browser",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.calculator",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "calculator for deepin os",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-calculator",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.camera",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "camera for deepin os",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-camera",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.compressor",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "compressor for deepin os",
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"name": "deepin-compressor",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.draw",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "draw for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-draw",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": "6.0.5"
"appId": "org.deepin.editor",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "editor for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-editor",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": "6.0.13"
"appId": "org.deepin.gomoku",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "gomoku for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-gomoku",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.lianliankan",
"arch": "x86_64",
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"description": "lianliankan for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-lianliankan",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.mail",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "mail client for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-mail",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.manual",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "manual for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-manual",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.movie",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "movie player for deepin os",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-movie",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": "6.0.6"
"appId": "org.deepin.reader",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "reader for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-reader",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
"appId": "org.deepin.screen-recorder",
"arch": "x86_64",
"channel": "linglong",
"description": "screen recorder for deepin os.",
"kind": "app",
"module": "runtime",
"name": "deepin-screen-recorder",
"repoName": "release-snipe",
"runtime": "org.deepin.Runtime/23.0.0/x86_64",
"size": "",
"uabUrl": "",
"user": "",
"version": ""
看上去迅雷没安装,和 a-bird 情况不一样。
需要的话终端直接 ll-cli install com.xunlei.download
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