[Community Announcements] deepin v23 Beta internal test update on December 15th
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Super Moderator
2023-12-15 22:40

To ensure the quality of the deepin V23, we invite you to take part in the internal test. If you are interested in it, please follow the guide in the last part of this post.

If you find any bugs or have any good ideas, please submit them on deepin home app which can be downloaded from deepin App Store.


Update Log on December 15th

【Problem Fixes】

  • Fixed an issue where creating a desktop shortcut for a browser application failed to generate the website icon.
  • Fixed the inability to delete workspace windows.
  • Fixed a white border appearing around the power icon in the taskbar plugin panel.
  • Fixed blurriness of the recycle bin and power icons in the personalized plugin.
  • Fixed display errors for multiple plugin icons in the personalized plugin.
  • Fixed the issue of no internet connection in Deepin Store.
  • Fixed an issue in Deepin Store where, after selecting "Auto Login" or "Login without a password" and not selecting automatic startup at boot, the account avatar was displayed as blank, and the status showed as logged in.
  • Fixed the problem in Deepin Store where the bottom-most record found based on search criteria could not be fully displayed.

【Repository Additions/Updates】

  • Updated components such as waylib, qwlroots, wlroots, and others in the repository.

The correct way to join the internal test:

①Upgrade the system to deepin V23 Beta2;

②Open the internal test channel: [Control Center] > [Update] > [Update Settings] > [Internal Test Channel] to open the option;

③ Follow the guidelines to complete the opening of the internal test channel;


How to report bugs or submit suggestions?

  • First of all, please make sure that the system version is upgraded to the latest beta version to avoid problems caused by inconsistent versions;
  • Secondly, if you find any bugs or have any good ideas, please give your feedback on deepin Home . deepin Home is a default app of deepin OS, and you can update or download it through deepin App Store.
  • deepin Home.png

Join the beta group:

Anyone who intends to participate in the internal test, please scan the code to contact the administrator, note: participate in the internal test (if the reply is not timely, please wait a moment)

Welcome to join the internal test group and interact with us. Thanks to every member of the internal test team for their active participation!


Many thanks to all the members of the internal testing team for your active participation!

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m***[email protected]
2023-12-19 23:45


V20 to V23 Beta upgrade failed thrice ...

  1. failed saying "System backup failed"
  2. failed saying "System backup failed"
  3. I rebooted and closed every application and attempted the upgrade tool, this time it says "Upgrade failed" ... error reads as "Failed to activate service 'org.deepin'AtomicUpgrade1': timed out(service+start_timeout=25000ms)

Note : also do let me know how do i release the storage, a mid installation failure seems to block storage space somewhere, I started with 47+ GB ... now the space shows 22.8 GB ... let me know where is 25GB space blocked and how do i reclaim it .

---- Update ---

I've found the 3 places the 25+ GB is blocked due to the 3 failed upgrade ...

/home/muz/.cache/extract - 15.1 GB
/home/osroot - 8.7 GB
/home/persistent - 2.2 GB

Can i just delete these 3 folders and reclaim the 25+ GB before I attempt another upgrade ?

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