[Feelings & Sharing] Top window border size
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r***[email protected]
2023-11-18 05:57

Hi there! I'm really enjoying my time using Deepin OS. I was wandering if there is an option to change top window border size? Top window border is just too small for most programs I have installed (not for all) and I can barely click on close button (X) when I want to close some program.

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2023-11-19 17:52

Are you using 20.9? The top window border on deepin 23 looks better.

Maybe some Chinese posts can help you. You can translate them.

https://bbs.deepin.org/zh/post/234783 This is one of them.

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r***[email protected]
2023-11-21 06:05

Yes, I'm using Deepin 20.9. I took a look at the post you shared with me and I found the solution that works. Thanks!

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