[Suggestions for Improvement] depin23beta x
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f***[email protected]
2023-11-07 03:08

Deepin Deevelopper group where did you end up? all the developer servers have been closed and eliminated for days, and not even the primary server Deepin 23 beta Have you by any chance noticed that everything needs to be redone, and that Deepin beta 3.x is an absurd piece of crap. ? better late than never . But with a modicum of healthy objectivity, it had already been known for some time that Deepin 23.X was born badly and was progressing even worse.

Sorry to be rude. But when it's needed, it's needed.

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2023-11-17 17:06

Criticism, even of the non-constructive kind, is welcome.

That said, honestly, I have no ideia what you're talking about.

Deepin 23 has been in "production" (with a dual-boot as a backup plan) at Centro Social Gomes Gaioso for more than 2 months now with at least 6 non-tech savy users and ZERO complaints so far...

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