[Community Announcements] deepin v23 Beta internal test update on November 3th
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Super Moderator
2023-11-04 00:00

Dear friends, in order to ensure the quality of the next system update of V23, the closed beta3 on November 3th is coming! Members of the internal test team are invited to actively participate, and interested friends are welcome to join the internal test, thank you!applaud

Update log on November 3

【New Features】

  • The time and date format function has been reconstructed, allowing the internationalization display of system time and date to be completed through regional format settings.
  • The power management solution has been optimized, supporting the Inter/AMD P-state power processing solution.
  • Some underlying dependencies have been updated.
  • Synchronized upstream to update the kernel version to 6.5.9.

【Repository Additions】

  • Added icecc open-source software.
  • Added minetest open-source game engine.
  • Added fonts-android font library.

【Bug Fixes】

【Control Center】

  • Fixed the issue where the browser plugin time and system time were still 8 hours apart after modifying the system time zone to Wuhan in the control center.
  • Fixed the issue where editing and modifying a non-standard time zone in the control center's system time zone added both the previous and current selected time zones to the time zone list.
  • Fixed the issue where removing a non-standard time zone in the control center, when only one time zone remained, caused the remove button to not appear, resulting in the inability to remove all time zones from the time zone list.


  • Fixed the issue where when a new user logged into the system, the terminal did not display the current username, machine name, current path, and other information.


  • Fixed the error when installing dde-shell via terminal command line.

The correct way to join the internal test:

①Upgrade the system to deepin V23 Beta2;

②Open the internal test channel: [Control Center] > [Update] > [Update Settings] > [Internal Test Channel] to open the option;

③ Follow the guidelines to complete the opening of the internal test channel;

Feedback question method:

  • First of all, please make sure that the system version is upgraded to the latest beta version to avoid problems caused by inconsistent versions;
  • Secondly, when you find a problem, you can give feedback on github as soon as possible; [How to give feedback on GitHub]
  • Welcome to join the internal test group. After entering the group, change the nickname in the group to the user name of the deepin forum, so that we can contact you and communicate the details of the problem.


Join the beta group:

Anyone who intends to participate in the internal test, please scan the code to contact the administrator, note: participate in the internal test (if the reply is not timely, please wait a moment)

Welcome to join the internal test group and interact with us. Thanks to every member of the internal test team for their active participation!


Many thanks to all the members of the internal testing team for your active participation!


Added bold underline option in terminal cursor style settings
Window title name will be seen

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2023-11-04 02:29


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2023-11-04 02:30


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2023-11-04 02:31

it's acknowledged that deepin is the best Linux in Chinakissing_heart

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2023-11-04 02:31



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2023-11-04 02:32



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2023-11-04 02:40



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2023-11-05 06:02

dde-dock continues to display the date incorrectly; This update has not yet fixed the date and time issue.

Kernel 6.5.9 cannot be installed by the command "sudo apt install linux-image-deepin-hwe-amd64 linux-headers-deepin-hwe-amd64". In other words, when new versions are released in the repository, a version update will not occur.


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a***[email protected]
2023-11-05 14:55


First of all. Congratulations! You are doing a great job. Deepin is the best OS I have used.

I installed the new the kernel (Deepin 23 beta 2): sudo apt install linux-image-6.5.9 linux-headers-6.5.9 -y

After rebooting it shows an error: vmlinuz-6.5.9 has invalid signature. Error: you need to load the kernel first.

It seems the kernel is not signed.

Best regards,


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deepin testing team
2023-11-06 19:18
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deepin testing team
2023-11-06 19:38

dde-dock continues to display the date incorrectly; This update has not yet fixed the date and time issue.

Kernel 6.5.9 cannot be installed by the command "sudo apt install linux-image-deepin-hwe-amd64 linux-headers-deepin-hwe-amd64". In other words, when new versions are released in the repository, a version update will not occur.


  • Now the date and time on the taskbar will not change according to the selected country, only when the cursor moves up, the display will be displayed according to the country's date and time format. There are still bugs in this part, thank you for your feedback
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deepin testing team
2023-11-06 19:52
a***[email protected]


First of all. Congratulations! You are doing a great job. Deepin is the best OS I have used.

I installed the new the kernel (Deepin 23 beta 2): sudo apt install linux-image-6.5.9 linux-headers-6.5.9 -y

After rebooting it shows an error: vmlinuz-6.5.9 has invalid signature. Error: you need to load the kernel first.

It seems the kernel is not signed.

Best regards,



Thank you for your feedback. We have confirmed through the information you provided, but it has not yet been reproduced. Please help provide a screenshot of your error message and machine information for us to further analyze and execute the following command

Sudo apt install fastfetch

After installation, please execute fastfetch and send me the returned information. Please attach a screenshot of the error report during operation,

Thank you for your support.

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deepin testing team
2023-11-06 19:56
a***[email protected]


First of all. Congratulations! You are doing a great job. Deepin is the best OS I have used.

I installed the new the kernel (Deepin 23 beta 2): sudo apt install linux-image-6.5.9 linux-headers-6.5.9 -y

After rebooting it shows an error: vmlinuz-6.5.9 has invalid signature. Error: you need to load the kernel first.

It seems the kernel is not signed.

Best regards,


It needs to be explained that kernel 6.5.9 is currently a preview version. If it affects you, please still use the official version 6.1.32

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deepin testing team
2023-11-06 19:58

dde-dock continues to display the date incorrectly; This update has not yet fixed the date and time issue.

Kernel 6.5.9 cannot be installed by the command "sudo apt install linux-image-deepin-hwe-amd64 linux-headers-deepin-hwe-amd64". In other words, when new versions are released in the repository, a version update will not occur.


Hello, please use the following command to upgrade and install the 6.5.9 experience version:

Sudo apt install Linux headers 6.5.9 Linux image 6.5.9

6.5.9 is currently available as an informal version, and stable formal versions will only be added to the warehouse for priority system upgrades. Thank you for your feedback

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a***[email protected]
2023-11-07 07:30
a***[email protected]


First of all. Congratulations! You are doing a great job. Deepin is the best OS I have used.

I installed the new the kernel (Deepin 23 beta 2): sudo apt install linux-image-6.5.9 linux-headers-6.5.9 -y

After rebooting it shows an error: vmlinuz-6.5.9 has invalid signature. Error: you need to load the kernel first.

It seems the kernel is not signed.

Best regards,



Thank you for your kind answer. I disabled secure boot. It seems it only binds hardware to Microsoft OS. Now it is working fine with 6.5.9.



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2023-11-17 17:47


For us having the least US dependent OS has been great. And, as mentioned in another comment, we've been testing Deepin 23 in "production" at Centro Social Gomes Gaioso for months now and the users, mostly non-tech ones, have no complaints so far.

That said, me, as the resident IT manager have noticed a few issues:

  1. The "taskbar" occasionaly crashes (disappers)

  2. In one laptop - HP stream11 (2019) - the battery indicator doesn't work properly, it always shows 0 remaining time and when fully changed it shows the percentage as 1% instead of the expected 100%. Also noticed ~30 minutes less autonomy when compared to Ubuntu 23.04 but that may not be the OS' fault, it can be due to the battery's old age and this was just a coincidence (I'm not planning to test against a fresh Ubuntu as it has before but instead keep testing Deepin 23 aqnd see how it goes).

    ............ csgg@OBREIRO-DEEPIN23 .';;;;;. .,;,. --------------------- .,;;;;;;;. ';;;;;;;. OS: Deepin beige 23 x86_64 .;::::::::' .,::;;,''''',. Kernel: 6.1.32-amd64-desktop-hwe ,'.:::::::: .;;'. '; Uptime: 7 hours, 4 mins ;' 'cccccc, ,' :: '.. .: Packages: 2288 (dpkg), 10 (flatpak), 28 (snap) ,, :ccccc. ;: .c, '' :. ,; Shell: bash 5.1.8 .l. cllll' ., .lc :; .l' l. Display (L1915S): 1280x1024 @ 75Hz .c :lllc ;cl: .l' .ll. :' DE: DDE .l 'looc. . ,o: 'oo' c, WM: KWin (X11) .o. .:ool::coc' .ooo' o. Theme: deepin-dark [GTK2] :: ..... .;dddo ;c Icons: bloom [GTK2] l:... .';lddddo. ,o Cursor: bloom lxxxxxdoolllodxxxxxxxxxc :l Terminal: deepin-terminal 6.0.9 ,dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxl. 'o, Terminal Font: Noto Sans Mono (11pt) ,dkkkkkkkkkkkkko;. .;o; CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) 3965U (2) @ 2,20 GHz .;okkkkkdl;. .,cl:. GPU: Intel HD Graphics 610 .,:cccccccc:,. Memory: 2,43 GiB / 3,75 GiB (65%) Disk (/): 68,57 GiB / 108,41 GiB (63%) - ext4 Disk (/media/csgg/Ubuntu_22.04): 69,42 GiB / 120,28 GiB (58%) - ext4 Disk (/mnt/DADOS2023): 578,10 GiB / 915,81 GiB (63%) - ext4 Locale: pt_PT.UTF-8

The above is from one desktop, not the aforementioned laptop.

Addendum: The "driver-23" repo has been disabled in all system because it wasn't connecting. Should we re-enable it or the problem hasn't been solved yet?

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