[other] Deepin Boot Maker only .exe-file?
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u***[email protected]
2023-10-12 00:38

I want to write the .iso-file to the USB-device, but I only find the Boot-Maker-Tool to Download an .exe-file, but I come from Linux.

Really I don't want install an extra tool like Boot-Maker.

Please show me a simple dd-command-example to write the USB-stick.

Thank you.

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2023-10-12 07:45

Use ventoy, there's bootmaker as appimage afaik too

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2023-10-12 21:53

It is recommended to use Ventoy to make the installation disk instead: https://www.ventoy.net/en/download.html

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u***[email protected]
2023-10-12 22:39

Thank you for your answers. Ventoy may be a good solution. But I had to do 2 steps (install Vento and install deepin).

But please, what's about the simple solution with some console-commands (with dd) or a simple shell-script?

I missed this too in other linux-distribution. What is the reason?

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2023-10-22 20:39
u***[email protected]

Thank you for your answers. Ventoy may be a good solution. But I had to do 2 steps (install Vento and install deepin).

But please, what's about the simple solution with some console-commands (with dd) or a simple shell-script?

I missed this too in other linux-distribution. What is the reason?

Ventoy just a boot tool.You just need copy the iso file you want to install.

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2023-10-24 19:22

‘deepin-boot-maker’ is a deepin OS system software ,you can try it~


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u***[email protected]
2023-10-24 23:49

Thanking for your answer,

but the link


show me only to download an deepin-boot-maker.exe-file

(as reported above).

Please show the Linux-User the (possible) simple dd-command to install deepin-Linux.

By the way: I don't find the point, where to start to the Live-version.

Please, that would help us to check deepin, before installation (thus deleting the previous OS).

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2023-11-17 18:26
u***[email protected]

Thanking for your answer,

but the link


show me only to download an deepin-boot-maker.exe-file

(as reported above).

Please show the Linux-User the (possible) simple dd-command to install deepin-Linux.

By the way: I don't find the point, where to start to the Live-version.

Please, that would help us to check deepin, before installation (thus deleting the previous OS).

The link also has the Source Code and the MacOS version. The suggestion above assume you had Deepin already (or Windows or MacOS).

Ventoy, again, is the best recommendation you can have, it's the most versatile tool for multi-booting that we have currently. It only has to be installed once per flash drive, the installer is multi-platform as well, and then just copy ANY "bootable" ISO to its root. Any Linux ISO, Windows ISO or anything else that can be booted by Grub just works and THAT is what makes Ventoy great! It's the only tool we use now. Why exactly you're making it so hard? It really isn't. But you can use any other method if you feel like it. Balena Etcher is a good option; Rufus much less so due to the almost never necessary different options (but you can always select the dd mode if you want). And of course you can use dd... So, it's hard to understand what's the fuss is about, honestly.

You need live/installation media, that's all. How you do it is irrelevant, as long as it works. You're over-thinking / over-complicating what is (mostly) trivial.

PS - The dd command does NOT install anything, it merely 'clones' ("burns" if you prefer) an Image file (ISO) to a target drive. Also copying an ISO or sevaral to a Ventoy drive is not installing, obviously. And, if you're a Linux user already, and running any one of the mainstream Linux distros, your distro will have at least one tool similar to Deepin Boot Maker and their just GUI frontends for dd so we came full circle.

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a***[email protected]
2024-06-25 14:14
It has been deleted!