[Seek Help] Nvidia Driver
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2023-04-30 22:48

Greetings. Cool, convenient and more beautiful than win 11 distribution. There was version 20.8, I was tormented, there are few tips on the network, but maybe they will help now. I still couldn't install the latest Nvidia driver on the 2060 super, because I don't know how. When installing, I checked the box to put the proprietary driver, but the driver is not installed, there is no Nvidia panel itself, although the drivers say that the proprietary driver is supposedly worth it. It was enough to run the game to test on this driver and got 5 fps. On version 23 alpha, the driver miraculously installed right away, I didn’t have to do anything and the Nvidia panel appeared. But these are tests. How are things with the driver on the system 20.9?
Is it possible to put a fresh kernel like in manjaro? Or not worth it.

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