[Topic DIscussion] How do i/we contribute ??
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2022-05-20 03:15

Hi there !

im really enjoying deepin

meanwhile i've got a bunch of improvements, some that i've succuessfully integrated, some that i've yet to solve but aware of

some are bug fixes

some are feature improvements

im a decent developer, could do useful things if you point me in the right direction

Please comment with any advice or sources that could be useful!

i will use my first comment to list all of the features/fixes i've got in mind, finished or not,

and update it over time, feel free to use your comment as a memo for your changes and improvements

Thank you & All the Best !

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2022-05-20 03:49
  • Changes I've made

    • shortcuts

      • Super key opens GrandSearch instead of the win-style start
      • Ctrl+Alt for my fav apps
      • Super+Shift+L to logout (not just lock)
    • navigation

    • low level

      • updated to latest kernal - ** this should be automatic with deepin updates

      • installed zsh (oh-my-zsh) + autocompletion (like fish)

      • fzf

      • tmux + autosave + mouse

        • need to add easy mouse select + copy
      • need to add easy mouse select + copy

  • Apps Installed

    • basic: chrome, spotify
    • recomented: clipto, bluemail,
    • extra: vscode with atom bindings + more, notion, slack, obsydian, cmatrix,
  • Changes I Wish for

    • bug fixes

      • solved:
      • not solves:
        • snap is not working for many trivial packages
        • Alt+Shift changes language after release of Shift before Alt
        • Fn key doesnt register as key in shortcuts settings
        • animation for mouse gestutes to move left and right workspaces animates only to one side ! anoyying
    • feature requests

      • Fn+F(x) keyboard shortcut

        • Screen Brightness
        • Play Music / Next&Prev Song
      • Easy Dual/Multi Monitoring (for office with hub/multiple screens)

      • Easyly backup account and settigns* global shortcuts* current settings and profiles

        • current settings and profiles
        • selected files (~/.zshrc and other important files)
        • have all the files for keyboard shortcuts, mouse gestures, and settings in the same folder so its easy to backup
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2022-05-20 19:19
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2022-05-24 15:17
  • Changes I've made

    • shortcuts

      • Super key opens GrandSearch instead of the win-style start
      • Ctrl+Alt for my fav apps
      • Super+Shift+L to logout (not just lock)
    • navigation

    • low level

      • updated to latest kernal - ** this should be automatic with deepin updates

      • installed zsh (oh-my-zsh) + autocompletion (like fish)

      • fzf

      • tmux + autosave + mouse

        • need to add easy mouse select + copy
      • need to add easy mouse select + copy

  • Apps Installed

    • basic: chrome, spotify
    • recomented: clipto, bluemail,
    • extra: vscode with atom bindings + more, notion, slack, obsydian, cmatrix,
  • Changes I Wish for

    • bug fixes

      • solved:
      • not solves:
        • snap is not working for many trivial packages
        • Alt+Shift changes language after release of Shift before Alt
        • Fn key doesnt register as key in shortcuts settings
        • animation for mouse gestutes to move left and right workspaces animates only to one side ! anoyying
    • feature requests

      • Fn+F(x) keyboard shortcut

        • Screen Brightness
        • Play Music / Next&Prev Song
      • Easy Dual/Multi Monitoring (for office with hub/multiple screens)

      • Easyly backup account and settigns* global shortcuts* current settings and profiles

        • current settings and profiles
        • selected files (~/.zshrc and other important files)
        • have all the files for keyboard shortcuts, mouse gestures, and settings in the same folder so its easy to backup
  • Super key opens GrandSearch instead of the win-style start

I hope deepin will ditch grand search + launcher in favour of All-in-one solution like gnome.

updated to latest kernal - ** this should be automatic with deepin updates

There are two kernel versions available on deepin - LTS and Stable. Currently the first one is 5.10 and the other 5.15, both are constantly updated with security updates etc.

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2023-03-16 14:41
It has been deleted!
dr******[email protected]
2023-03-27 08:08
It has been deleted!
h***[email protected]
2023-09-28 23:43
It has been deleted!