[Seek Help] KeePassXC-Browser does not connect to browsers
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2021-04-08 08:57

Hello Deepin Team

This is my default browser, but at the moment I had to switch to another browser. So could you please help me with this issue together with the developers of the keepassxc 2.6.4 application and the KeePassXC-Browser extension 1.7.7.

Everything was working normally and suddenly after new installation of Distro Deepin V20.2 it stopped connecting the extension with the keepassxc app, as can be seen in the link below. Can browser and extension coexist in partnership of quality and mutual efficiency?


The browsers in question without exception are the Chromium base, where after updating the extension that these problems began to occur. Everything leads us to believe that it is the browser extension that does not connect with keepassxc 2.6.4.

Thank you in advance for your attention

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2021-04-09 07:32

Hello everyone


I would like help to understand why Fedora 34 Beta flavor Deepin V20 works correctly and connect to Opera Browser normally and this same application and extension does not work correctly on Deepin V20.2. Can anyone have an explanation for this? Could it be because Keepassxc 2.6.4 is installed on Deepin V20.2 via flatpak?


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2021-04-24 02:32
It has been deleted!