[Open] Deepin V20 1003 upgrade update turned into a GREEK tragedy
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2020-10-23 11:54
Edited by edson1967 at 2020-10-22 17:02

Hello Deepin Team

Deepin V20 1003 upgrade update turned into a GREEK tragedy

Kwin_x11 starts with 100% CPU consumption
Numerous applications and browsers crashing after being opened, where it is necessary to manually turn the machine off using the shutdown button. (Lock Everything)

Of the 124 updates, the following errors appear:
Note: Translated from Brazilian Portuguese to English using the google translator.

  1. Unzipping deepin-authenticate ( on ( ...
  2. dpkg: warning: it was not possible to delete the old '/ etc / deepin-authenticate / pam-tool' directory: Non-empty directory
  3. dpkg: warning: it was not possible to delete the old '/ etc / deepin-authenticate' directory: Non-empty directory
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  1. A descompactar deepin-icon-theme (2020.09.25-1) sobre (2020.06.30-1) ...
  2. gtk-update-icon-cache: The generated cache was invalid.
  3. WARNING: icon cache generation failed for /usr/share/icons/bloom-classic
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Note: I do not have these hard drives installed and are appearing mounted at startup. How do I remove them manually and permanently?
  1. /dev/sdc: open failed: Mídia não encontrada
  2. /dev/sdd: open failed: Mídia não encontrada
  3. /dev/sde: open failed: Mídia não encontrada
  4. /dev/sdf: open failed: Mídia não encontrada
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How do I correct the information below:

  1. update-alternatives: warning: alternative /usr/share/icons/DMZ-Black/cursor.theme (part of the x-cursor-theme link group) does not exist; to remove from the list of alternatives
  2. update-alternatives: warning: alternative /usr/share/icons/DMZ-White/cursor.theme (part of the x-cursor-theme link group) does not exist; to remove from the list of alternatives
  3. gtk-update-icon-cache: The generated cache was invalid.
  4. WARNING: icon cache generation failed for/usr/share/icons/bloom-classic
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How to correct the exposed below?

  1. Failed to set capabilities on file `/usr/bin/deepin-defender-netcontrol' (No such file or directory)
  2. The value of the capability argument is not permitted for a file. Or the file is not a regular (non-symlink) file
  3. Setcap for deepin-defender-netcontrol failed, falling back to setuid
  4. Configurando dde-printer (0.6.11-1) ...
  5. Instalando nova versão do arquivo de configuração /etc/xdg/autostart/dde-printer-watch.desktop ...
  6. 5182 process will restart...
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What to do in this case below? Do I need to perform any procedure?
  1. Processing triggers for initramfs-tools (0.137.18-1 + eagle) ...
  2. update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.9.1-050901-generic
  3. cryptsetup: WARNING: The initramfs image may not contain cryptsetup binaries
  4.      nor crypto modules. If that's on purpose, you may want to uninstall the
  5.      'cryptsetup-initramfs' package in order to disable the cryptsetup initramfs
  6.      integration and avoid this warning.
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If there is a possible lack of firmware, why doesn't the system install itself?
In this case, what would be the correct command to install this firmware?
  1. W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/rkl_dmc_ver2_01.bin for module i915
  2. I: The initramfs will attempt to resume from /dev/sda2
  3. I: (UUID=d25d9370-ead8-4075-9797-0e19bd5a9e18)
  4. I: Set the RESUME variable to override this.
  5. A processar 'triggers' para libc-bin (
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Kwin_x11 starts with 100% CPU consumption
The HD looks like it will explode (!)

The startup bar (Dock) is completely black and takes more than 1 minute to recover.

Due to the inoperability of Deepin V20 1003 after this update, I was forced to use another Linux Distro, in this case, ArchLinux with Deepin V20 updated without any major problems and constraints.

Looking forward to fixing it all (!)

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All Replies
d***[email protected]
2020-10-23 15:55
Edited by diogotrc at 2020-10-23 11:07

Same here!
I need to kill Kwin to unfreeze my system, but in few minuts, kwin_x11 explode again.

Wow! Its a flatpak bug!
Everything works fine after remove flatpak! Try it!

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2020-10-24 01:11
Same here!
I need to kill Kwin to unfreeze my system, but in few minuts, kwin_x11 explode again.


Snaps and Flatpaks were made to work on any Linux distribution and if there is any incompatibility with Distro Deepin V20 1003 it needs to be corrected, after all the vast majority of lInux distributions work without flatpak in problems.

I use flatpaks because they have versions of the latest apps, corrected and updated unlike Distro Deepin V20.

I prefer to stop using Deepin or wait for the correction than get rid of the flatpaks, precisely because they have the latest, corrected and updated versions of the applications I use the most.
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2020-10-24 01:54
Now  Deepin V20 1003 is a preview version, it is not stable.
Kwin_x11's problem we have found and is debugging now.
Wait for update to fix this problem. Thanks for your report.
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2020-10-24 03:58
Now  Deepin V20 1003 is a preview version, it is not stable.
Kwin_x11's problem we have found  ...


Yes, I am aware that the Deepin V20 1003 is a trial version.
Thank you for your feedback and I hope that the other situations presented in the reports above may have contributed to solving the problems.

Note: I tried to export the logs with the errors, but the option does not work as seen in this gif image below:

If possible put it on the agenda for possible correction.

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2020-10-24 22:58
flatpak application won't work
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2020-10-24 23:02
Application installed with Flatpak won't start and run.
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2020-10-29 06:25
Application installed with Flatpak won't start and run.


The same thing happens here.

The flatpaks that open normally and do not lock the Deepin V20 1003 are Evolution and WPS-Office.
The flatpak that locks Deepin is Keepassxc when running the application.

The manually installed firefox also crashes the Deepin V20 1003 when it runs. Should this happen?

Is there any prediction of when the fix for these problems with this version of Deepin V20 1003 will come out?

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2020-11-02 07:25


Here are some reports with errors presented in this version of Deepin V20 1003. Regardless of the installed kernel, the errors are always the same.


Edited: Follows error report journalctl -xe


Is there any prediction of when the fix for these problems with this version of Deepin V20 1003 will come out?

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2020-11-02 22:54

Hello people

I ended up formatting the PC and installing the flatpaks apps one by one until I discovered the problem.
Who is causing the Deepin v20 1003 to crash and freeze completely is the flatpak Keepassxc 2.6.2.

More details can be seen here:

The specific errors presented by the reports previously continue to be presented after a new installation.

The PC just got a lot better, after installing Deepin again.

Where do I download Deepin-Security and Deepin Defender?

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2020-11-04 09:10


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