My complaints about deepin
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2020-08-30 06:17
Deepin is a great OS, but It doesn't come without any complaints for me.

First complaint is that the settings options seem incomplete. When you compare it to Microsoft Windows control panel, deepin settings really seem to be very underwhelming. There is no task scheduler and no easy way to configure the firewall out of the box for example. I also wish for an easy GUI tick box to remove the password from my account. I'm also unsure to whether deepin encrypts my files or not (I don 't believe that It does but It should definitely be clearer than this)

Secondly, the lack of apps in the apps store is really a shame. I really liked the fact that some apps work with wine out of the box like Wechat or QQ and that's definitely one of Deepin edges over other distros.
But the deepin stores doesn't have that many apps and not that many wine apps. I know that It's diffficult to maintain apps in the app store, but It could really pay off in the long run.

Thirdly, a translation button would have been helpful in the app store to translate the reviews, because I don't speak chinese...

Lastly It's not really a complaint, but Deepin feels empty despite its size. I expected tons of things and menus to discover, but I get to discover everything very quickly...

But otherwise, I really love the UI. functionality-wise It's excellent and It does look quite nice. This OS and desktop environment really seems to be focused on user experience and getting out of my way and It's super nice. Very intuitive to use, I think that It's even more intuitive to use than Windows, but that's very subjective and both Microsoft and Deepin are doing an awesome job.

Nice distro, continue that way
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2020-08-30 07:51
As for more apps, feel free to download Spark Store--A powerful third party app store from our forum~

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2020-08-30 23:47
Regarding password, I don't think you can remove password in Linux, I don't think deepin can do anything about  this. As for lack of apps, it's because developers don't support  Linux as it is not so popular unlike Windows, as deepin grows hopefully developers will start supporting Linux more, also wine is basically reverse-engineering windows APIs which is not open source, so quite naturally it will not support many app properly.
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2020-08-30 23:53
I do agree with other problems though
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