Comments/bugs in release 2020/08/06
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2020-08-08 17:24
Edited by Platypus at 2020-8-8 11:32

First, thank you to the developers for your hard work.

1) Can't expand window by dragging window edge. Using Super Key and dragging works though. Maybe this is intended to be this way.

2) Deepin File Manger doesn' show "System Files" or "Computer" directory even when "Hide system disk" is unchecked. A workaround has been to click on the home icon on the top window bar and use "edit address" to access the system files. Again this might be intended to be this way.

3) I had a lot of trouble installing Crossover 19.01.1. I had to get a lot of the libraries from the debian .deb respository. I has taken hours to get this running. It still won't import saved archied apps.  I later found Crossover 17 in the repostiroies so I will try that.

Keep up the good work

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2020-08-08 22:45
Thank you for your feedback
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2020-08-09 06:24
I am also experiencing problems with Deepin File Manager.
1 - When the file manager is open and I open another application and then go back to the file manager, the mouse pointer starts to rotate as if something is being loaded, but nothing is being opened.
2 - When I start the file manager as admin via terminal and try to open any file, the file manager simply stops and no longer responds. I have to press Ctrl + C on the terminal to close the file manager window.

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