Plea for better communication with community
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2020-06-27 00:56
Firstly I'm here to ask for help, not to criticize. With that said I will speak my mind.

Communication with international community is very bad and lacking, especially if we compare it to other distros and projects.
It is not just my opinion, but opinion of great majority of users. Other than making us anxious and hurt, it has some practical consequences too.
Many people now think that international community is not important to UOS/Deepin devs, and many of them leave to other communities and distros.
Among those who leave, there is a number of contributors and translators, and I don't want to see that. Instead I would love to see international community exponentially grow.
So please improve communication with us.
We don't need much, just some human touch.
We would like to feel that UOS/Deepin devs care about us.
We just need some news from time to time about state of Deepin's development, or someone just to say few words to community.
Those words can even be: We can't share any details, but development of Deepin is in full swing. etc

Thank you all for your time.

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m***[email protected]
2020-06-27 01:12
I agree with you.. I translate deepin in Italian and I manage Italian community, they said deepin v20 stable will be release in the middle of June, but no news about that..
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2020-06-27 01:39
本帖最后由 samlukeyes123 于 2020-6-26 19:33 编辑

No more news about Deepin's developing status in Chinese community either, since the update on June 4.
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2020-06-27 02:32
本帖最后由 izanagi 于 2020-6-26 20:18 编辑

I totally agree with this as a person who is managing one of the communities. I want to repeat and remind one more time what happens as a result of not enough communication:

     1. We lose translators who were working hard to make Deepin available to large audiences.
     2. We lose free advertisement/promotion chances because those people do not recommend Deepin anymore.
     3. We lose friendly and helpful people. In this way, new Deepin users are less likely to get help with their problems.
     4. All communities just wait in the darkness and lose their faith in Deepin.

Please take this thread into consideration and take action to revert the situation.

Have a great day everyone
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2020-06-27 03:10
#4 Please notice this. The community need more news.
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2020-06-27 05:55
This year deepin developers are much occupied with the UOS ( commercial version ) . They have a lot of tasks to do , for example, support diffrent CPU architectures (x86 arm mips) , help some domestic companies to transplant their softwares from Windows to Linux, recruit and train new employees.

I agree with you that deepin community lacks communication. We have no idea what they are doing now, nor their progress. The developers make people feel that they are doing their own business. Little information about deepin ( uos ) nowadays.
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2020-06-27 06:05
本帖最后由 jzc 于 2020-6-26 22:11 编辑

Another important fact is that only a few people master English, Chinese, Computer Science and Linux OS at the same time. I guess deepin developer team have no such person, so that communicating with international community is not easy.   @jingle
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2020-06-27 06:12
@jingle  Please notice this. The community need more news.
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2020-06-27 06:36
maybe coming back several years later is a better choice
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2020-06-27 06:58
The bread will have of, the milk will also have of, everything all there will be. keep calm
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2020-06-27 07:17
Edited by igatjens at 2020-6-26 09:19
This year deepin developers are much occupied with the UOS ( commercial version ) . They have a lot  ...

I agree with jzc's comment.

I also add, to obtain information and deduce the state of development of Deepin, it is necessary to search in news portals such as, check the Union Tech site (Tongxin Software) and use the search engine a lot, in this way I I get information about UOS, but almost nothing from Deepin.

The official information to use as a reference of Deepin very little. In the last few weeks a little more information is obtained by observing the activity on github.

I understand that the developers are very busy, I understand that they are working very hard, because they are not only developing an operating system, they are collaborating in the construction of a whole new unified ecosystem of hardware and software, it is a titanic task.

So for me the delays with Deepin 20 are understandable. But the lack of official communication, the feeling of not knowing, the silence, that is deteriorating the community.
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2020-06-28 09:32
"So for me the delays with Deepin 20 are understandable. But the lack of official communication, the feeling of not knowing, the silence, that is deteriorating the community.'"

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2020-06-28 13:24
I just hope that everything changes one day and that the launch of the deepin v20 arrives with all language translations and stable.
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2020-06-29 07:14
I agree with you 100% (!)
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2020-06-29 11:41
Same here. I installed Deepin V20 and nothing is working. As in my screen just goes crazy and freezes right after login. I posted on forums, messaged the team on Twitter and I believe via email as well and did not receive a single word. I love this OS and was planning on contributing in translation and promote it. But now I’m only left with a non functional machine and a dev team clearly showing that only China matters. I won’t bother with this anymore and move to a different distro.
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2020-06-29 17:16
Thank you for your continued support for deepin. We will strengthen our operation in the future.
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2020-06-29 18:34
Due to some reasons, the international community is becoming inactive and someone has left, very sorry for that. We will strengthen the communication with international users and listen to your voice more actively.   
We are making a lot of effort in developing the UOS commercial version, and deepin 20 will be officially released later. But do not worry, we are discussing the features of deepin 20 and the planning of deepin 20.1.   
In the future, we will publish community news through Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, Transifex, and Github (after deepin 20 released). please keep focusing on us.  Thanks.
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