Thinking about leaving deepin... I'm so disappointed by V20...
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2020-01-05 13:14
Edited by th3blad3runn3r at 2020-1-5 15:01

Hi Folks,
I'm a fellow Deepin user since 15.1.  It's my main distro since then, and I really felt IN LOVE with it.
I've always been amazed by DDE, and its wonderful innovations (dde-control-center, for instance).

I've been  plyaing with V20 Beta for some time now, and all i can say, is i strongly disagree with the landlord's directions.
Lost of DDE control center, too much fancy "decorations" (rounded corners, anyone ?), new dock look, are far from impressive to me, but much more a huge regression. I tried, in the last few weeks, to adapt to this new paradigm, but this all look to me like a waste of time and energy.

Yes, I always wanted more customization, but not without thinking of evolution, especially kernel ones.
Yes, I was in love with Deepin store, but always wanted more recent packages in it.
Yes, I love Deepin music and Deepin movie; but versions shipped with V20 don't bring much more than a new look.

Still, Deepin terminal would stay my favorite, due to its splitting windows ability and theming.

I'm sad, because, Deepin was such a huge innovation in the desktop environment jungle.
V20 looks more or less like a ugly Gnome evolution, and has lost deepin soul.

Why such breaking changes, as long as the majority of users where looking for stabilty and kernel updates ?
Does it have to do with Huawei, UOS ?

Here were my two cents.
I'd be glad to hear your point of view

All the best.
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2020-01-05 20:21
Edited by petermerel at 2020-1-5 12:24

I've only been on board since 15.10 but I'm thinking much the same thing.

The delay in releasing v20 along with the obsolescence of 15.11 - inability to run snaps, the craggy old kernel and software store apps, and inability to run the latest office 365 under crossover - have made me look at alternatives. And I think I've found one that will work fine.

Unless v20 offers some really thrilling advances, not just reworked icons and some round corners, Manjaro KDE seems like the ticket. It's easy to restyle to look just like Deepin 15.11 plus it has Global Menu, more consistent theming, and a nicely maintained widget set. Plus Bauh, which combines Flatpak, Snaps and AUR into a one-click store that leaves the Deepin store in the dust.

I will miss the Deepin control panel - but that's gone in v20 anyway. And since the deepin folks have gone dark I have no idea why I would stay ...
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2020-01-05 21:15
UOS doesn't belong to Huawei, it's renamed from Deepin V20 Professional. So UOS & Deepin V20 Community are still mainly developed by Deepin, Huawei is just one of partners in development.
As you know, Deepin has been taken over by Tongxin Software. In return, Deepin has got nearly 400 million CNY. However, Tongxin Software is controled by Huanxin Liu, the leader of Deepin. In other words, Deepin take over itself.

Deepin is planning to run their system on tablet PCs. So they try to use a new design for better operability. And because many people in China(especially over 40) can hardly get used to using sidebar(dde-control-center), they sparate the control center into a window.
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2020-01-06 08:55
Edited by th3blad3runn3r at 2020-1-5 17:57
UOS doesn't belong to Huawei, it's renamed from Deepin V20 Professional. So UOS & Deepin V20 Communi ...


Thanks for the explanation.

I don't believe in an Unified OS, for tablets and/or desktop.

Some major companies have rejected it a long time ago (Apple, for example), due to impossible UI use cases to resolve. Thats why there's still a MacOS and iOS version, not to talk about Windows and their disastrous Windows phone experiments...

Now, talking about fixing things, better fix this crappy forum instead of removing nice Deepin functionnalities...

Again, that's only my thoughts, and i'm far from claiming i'm right in this pseudo ×ysis...

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2020-01-09 04:32
I believe Deepin is seeking its own identity.
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2020-01-09 10:28
I actually found the V20 beta working quite well and the VPN connection is fantastic. I personally don't mind the changes.
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2020-01-11 01:01
Don't leave us.. At least stay until official release.. They are still working on improvements...
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2020-01-14 14:44
I also really love Deepin 15.x: finally a gorgeous desktop environment!
But I've seen some preview of v20 and I am not sure I will keep with it.
I understand the choice for the Control Center as a dialog: not an issue, but those so rounded corners are so ugly!
Also those rounded boxes around files and folders in the File Manager are unbearable.
I hope at least there will be some customization options (maybe modifying some CSS) in order to change them.
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2020-01-15 10:34
I installed some version of the beta UOS 20 , and 15.x actually looks better. Since , I am a noob in Linux distros and am still trying to find the right one for me, I have moved to Manjaro KDE. It's lot more customizable and most importantly , you can install almost all the deepin applications from the applicatiion manager itself.
Looks awesome too.
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2020-01-15 10:39
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2020-01-17 01:30
I used to think 15.x is more pretty than UOS,but I changed my mind.
After some hours trying,I got used to the round window and believed that would be a good idea.
I agree with you that deepin should use newer kernel and newer packages,and the forum is a pile of [请文明用语],also I love sidebar settings.
But I beleive that the Deepin Team will not let us down.
At least ,UOS 20 is not deepin 20, according to official announcement.
Let's keep hoping.
The only thing that let me down is,actually,15.11 has not reciever any rolling update since then! It's 6 months! NO UPDATE FOR SIX MONTHS!
It seems the Deepin Team spent a lot of time on UOS.......
deepin 20's CD is too long.......
But I won't lose my hope.
Maybe my Chinglish is very awful,but I tried my best
SuperEndermanSM,a deepin lover from Liaoning China
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2020-01-17 04:38
@superenderman: let's Hope si. It would really me heartbreaking to me, to leave Deepin. I love V15  so much....
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2020-01-20 23:38
Don‘t leave us~~~
2020-01-20 23:31
Everything will get better in 2 months.
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2020-01-22 22:18
Edited by petermerel at 2020-1-22 14:20

I've also jumped ship to Manjaro KDE. With its Mac-like global menu, rolling release model and vast AUR repositories, it's a far better experience for me than deepin has become.

I was surprised at how easy it was to move from the one Linux distro to the other - far less traumatic than moving from MacOS in the first place. Plus, the direction deepin is going is frankly disturbing to me. I don't mean graphically, but stringing users along with promises of updates Real Soon Now (tm) ... isn't a responsible way to run a distro.

So ... thanks to everyone involved in creating deepin, but farewell - hopefully you find your mojo again one of these days!
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2020-01-22 22:30
Edited by petermerel at 2020-1-22 14:20

I've also jumped ship to Manjaro KDE. With its Mac-like g ...

I sincerely hope you can enjoy the new Manjaro KDE. What's more, DDE can also be used on Manjaro. You can have a try after Deepin V20 is released.
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2020-02-01 04:23
本帖最后由 wangling12 于 2020-1-31 20:27 编辑

The main target users of UOS are (gov ern ment) users. Therefore, the UI should be "(sim ple)(Why do they want to ban this word?) and clear" to adapt to the use of the elderly.
Just wait for deepinv20, I don't believe they will take such an obvious step back.
Hope you can understand my Chinglish.
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2020-02-02 21:26
UOS doesn't belong to Huawei, it's renamed from Deepin V20 Professional. So UOS & Deepin V20 Communi ...

I am a quzhouer ,too.!!!!and actuallly,a longyouer. hhhha
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2020-02-02 21:31
emmm Its beta version and we can actuallly diy it.above all,It is linux ,not windows .I think we can get what we want at the end,even it wil not  be called deepin anymore.
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2020-02-23 01:56
Edited by pvcreator33 at 2020-2-22 18:00
本帖最后由 wangling12 于 2020-1-31 20:27 编辑

The main target users of UOS are (gov ern ment) u ...

I hope so! I don't use Deepin as my main OS since 15.10 cause instability, but i have keep it to an old laptop and i checked also the beta version. I always have an open door for Deepin in my main system. I just want back my lovely old efficient mode with the show desktop shortcut at the right corner and less rounded windows. I thought there are users who prefer the old fashion mode too. The rest of the changes it's ok in my opinion, if we overlook the redesign, the V20 is significantly improved. And I can live with the new control center at all, although it is not so impressive as the old one.
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2020-02-25 10:19
uos is NOT deepin v20
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2020-02-28 23:05
But all in all,as a "deepin fan",we all hope deepin will became better and better!
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