2020-01-05 20:21 deepin
Edited by petermerel at 2020-1-5 12:24
I've only been on board since 15.10 but I'm thinking much the same thing.
The delay in releasing v20 along with the obsolescence of 15.11 - inability to run snaps, the craggy old kernel and software store apps, and inability to run the latest office 365 under crossover - have made me look at alternatives. And I think I've found one that will work fine.
Unless v20 offers some really thrilling advances, not just reworked icons and some round corners, Manjaro KDE seems like the ticket. It's easy to restyle to look just like Deepin 15.11 plus it has Global Menu, more consistent theming, and a nicely maintained widget set. Plus Bauh, which combines Flatpak, Snaps and AUR into a one-click store that leaves the Deepin store in the dust.
I will miss the Deepin control panel - but that's gone in v20 anyway. And since the deepin folks have gone dark I have no idea why I would stay ...
I've only been on board since 15.10 but I'm thinking much the same thing.
The delay in releasing v20 along with the obsolescence of 15.11 - inability to run snaps, the craggy old kernel and software store apps, and inability to run the latest office 365 under crossover - have made me look at alternatives. And I think I've found one that will work fine.
Unless v20 offers some really thrilling advances, not just reworked icons and some round corners, Manjaro KDE seems like the ticket. It's easy to restyle to look just like Deepin 15.11 plus it has Global Menu, more consistent theming, and a nicely maintained widget set. Plus Bauh, which combines Flatpak, Snaps and AUR into a one-click store that leaves the Deepin store in the dust.
I will miss the Deepin control panel - but that's gone in v20 anyway. And since the deepin folks have gone dark I have no idea why I would stay ...
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Hi Folks,
I'm a fellow Deepin user since 15.1. It's my main distro since then, and I really felt IN LOVE with it.
I've always been amazed by DDE, and its wonderful innovations (dde-control-center, for instance).
I've been plyaing with V20 Beta for some time now, and all i can say, is i strongly disagree with the landlord's directions.
Lost of DDE control center, too much fancy "decorations" (rounded corners, anyone ?), new dock look, are far from impressive to me, but much more a huge regression. I tried, in the last few weeks, to adapt to this new paradigm, but this all look to me like a waste of time and energy.
Yes, I always wanted more customization, but not without thinking of evolution, especially kernel ones.
Yes, I was in love with Deepin store, but always wanted more recent packages in it.
Yes, I love Deepin music and Deepin movie; but versions shipped with V20 don't bring much more than a new look.
Still, Deepin terminal would stay my favorite, due to its splitting windows ability and theming.
I'm sad, because, Deepin was such a huge innovation in the desktop environment jungle.
V20 looks more or less like a ugly Gnome evolution, and has lost deepin soul.
Why such breaking changes, as long as the majority of users where looking for stabilty and kernel updates ?
Does it have to do with Huawei, UOS ?
Here were my two cents.
I'd be glad to hear your point of view
All the best.