Making a command begin at start up
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2019-12-08 16:45
Hello everyone. I want to set the temperature of my monitor to 9500k. There is a command-line application called sct that actually does this thing - you write in terminal sct 9500 and the monitor color changes to 9500k. How can I make this command begin automatically every time my computer boots up? Can you tell me in simple words how to create a script that will do such a thing? Thanks in advance.
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2019-12-09 07:04
Edited by th3blad3runn3r at 2019-12-8 16:06

create this file in : ~/.config/autostart (Beware, .config is a hidden directory, thus the "dot" at the begining) and name it "sct.desktop"
  1. [Desktop Entry]
  2. Name=Sct
  3. GenericName=SCT Color Temperature
  4. Exec=/your/path/to/sct 9500
  5. Terminal=false
  6. Type=Application
  7. StartupNotify=false
Copy the Code

Adapt "/your/path/to" accordingly to the scrt program location if it doesn't belong to your path.
Logoff and logon.
That's it...
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