Preserve Deepin Soul: Keep control panel as a side bar in V20 !!!!
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2019-11-12 02:06
Edited by th3blad3runn3r at 2019-11-22 19:35

Hello folks.
On a another thread, Deepin main designer told us that the control panel is gone in V20.
here's my answer :

I'm pretty sure I won't be the only one to rage againt control center removal. IMO, this is a huge mistake.

Control panel is from the begining Deepin's signature and the most important clue of Deepin's ease of use.

What's YOUR opinion folks and deepin addicts ?

  • Keep Control Center
  • Remove Control Center
  • Let the user choose vi a check box, which layout he/she may prefer
  • Present both of them

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2019-11-23 10:46
比-如  m-y-sql 安-装-以后 他们-的服-务设-置在侧-边-栏-是无-法-体现出来的。
还-有 比如 ja-va 更-新控-制器,以及-不能对-界-面进-行比-较-详细的更多-内容的设-置。
还-有 g-oo-gle 呼出的代--理设-置 无-法呼-出等等。以及第-三-方设置的嵌-入设-置,脚本-辅-助设-置,挂-件-等等-设置不-能得到统-一的支持。

我个人认为-要做-好兼-容 设-置-中-心必-须独-立出来。这对实-用性-和兼-容性来讲-是好事情。
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2019-11-23 16:13
新的控制中心 太花哨,功能少

win10 找个功能上网查才知道


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2019-11-25 02:28
本帖最后由 th3blad3runn3r 于 2019-11-24 11:30 编辑
Edited by th3blad3runn3r at 2019-11-22 19:29


It's my right to expose here my doubts about the directions Deepin is tending to, as it's your right to think the exact opposite. But please, don't systematically oppose  my thoughts, as soon as I post something contrary to your opinion.

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2019-11-25 04:42
本帖最后由 th3blad3runn3r 于 2019-11-24 11:30 编辑

Sorry that you understood my behavior as systematic opposition..
I was just trying to make a joke about XFCE..
I won't do it anymore..
Again, sorry, it wasn't my intention to be negative, I tried to be funny..
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2019-11-26 01:14
Well, in fact that was funny !!!  ;)
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2019-11-26 07:25
Well, in fact that was funny !!!  ;)

Thanks friend..
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2019-11-26 13:14
It's official @prijatelj, I definitely HATE the new control center. See by yourself Demo starts at 21'
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2019-11-26 14:14
It's official @prijatelj, I definitely HATE the new control center. See by yourself https://m.youtub ...

I know friend. I learned that it's done deal on september 10.
At first I was confused, I raised my voice for side panel to remain as an option.. I knew that this will be a blow to many users that are used to side panel.. Than as news came in and screenshots of whole system I realised how much work developers have done. Not to mention AI which blown my mind.. I realised that I'm wrong, and we should trust the developers who are working hard to give us this free OS. Give new Control Center a chance at least, please..
Platform is evolving, and side panel didn't fit in future vision, as I understand for practical reasons..
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2019-11-26 14:26
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2019-11-27 01:36
I know friend. I learned that it's done deal on september 10.
At first I was confused, I raised my ...

OK, we'll see...
I'll tell you in a few months if i'm used to !
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2019-11-27 08:56
I was a permanent user of deepin and was completely satisfied with how the distribution was growing until 15.09. And I, like the majority, thought that it only needed more hardware and software support and some improvements to deepin applications. Later when version 15.10 came out I decided to quit deepin as my main system because of bugs and go to something safe with kde plasma. Since then I go back and take a quick look sometimes at an old laptop that I installed deepin. I expect it to become more stable so I can go back.

Since version 15.10 the deepin team has chosen to do something different than the wishes of most users who loved distribution and the desktop environment as they had and only wanted some minor improvements and more stability. I think it is very likely that their choices will be successful in the long run but in the near future I mistrust to install deepin on my computer as my main system knowing that I'm going to use an beta operating system with myself as a beta tester.
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2019-11-27 19:08
I think people need to get in touch with new things. It is not true that the authorities have changed a habit, and then they feel that it is a mistake. It needs a transitional period.Personally, I think the new control center may not be as powerful as it is at the moment, but Deepin will keep optimizing to achieve the purpose of the new control center.Just as with Windows 10, we went from iteration 8 to 8.1 to Windows 10.
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2019-11-27 19:24
Keep Control Center
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2019-11-28 03:33
Personally I'd like to see something in the middle, like macOS. Have a more minimal sidebar with just the most often used things, like wifi, bluetooth, etc and the notifications section, then put the rest of the settings in a dedicated app. In macOS they have most things in the settings app and just some basic stuff out of the icons in the system tray, like choosing a wifi network or connecting bluetooth devices. Any of those things you need often, like wifi, bluetooth, external drives, etc should be in a place where they are quick and easy to access, but not crowded out by so many other things that it takes awhile to find them.
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2019-12-04 06:15

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2019-12-04 17:20
Linux compared with macos Windows, the biggest feature is highly customizable, providing multiple options will inevitably make the system become bloated, deepin mapping control center function, do the official control center, the rest of the custom third party to do.More open customization than android
linux 相比 macos windows,最大的特色是高度可定制,提供多选难免会让系统变得臃肿,deepin映射好控制中心的功能,做好官方控制中心,剩下的自定义第三方组织去做。实现比安卓更开放的自由定制
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2019-12-06 13:36
I like both
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2019-12-07 11:52
th3blad3runn3r 发表于 2019-11-24 18:28
It's my right to expose here my doubts about the directions Deepin is tending to, as it's your righ ...

Accroding to the offical Sidebar was designed to use in pad.but now thw got a more advanced tech to solve this problem. It's something like  responsive layout. Which can auto adapt user's devices.
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2019-12-24 04:53
Present both of them
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