kwin not automatically activated?
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2019-06-18 05:15
Edited by joepadmiraal at 2019-6-17 21:15


I have been using Deepin for a while.
Since some update all video's are freezing after a short period of playback.
I red in this issue that the problem should not happen when using kwin.
Also the release note of Deepin 15.10 states it has defaulted to kwin.
It seems like on my machine I'm running Mutter as WM.
Did it not supposed to switch to kwin automatically after the 15.10 upgrade?
And how can I switch to kwin to check if the video freezes are over?

  1.              ............                joep@deepin-joep
  2.          .';;;;;.       .,;,.            ----------------
  3.       .,;;;;;;;.       ';;;;;;;.         OS: Deepin 15.10.1 x86_64
  4.     .;::::::::'     .,::;;,''''',.       Host: XPS 15 9560
  5.    ,'.::::::::    .;;'.          ';      Kernel: 4.15.0-29deepin-generic
  6.   ;'  'cccccc,   ,' :: '..        .:     Uptime: 13 hours, 2 mins
  7. ,,    :ccccc.  ;: .c, '' :.       ,;    Packages: 2192
  8. .l.     cllll' ., .lc  :; .l'       l.   Shell: zsh 5.5.1
  9. .c       :lllc  ;cl:  .l' .ll.      :'   Resolution: 3840x2160, 3840x2160
  10. .l        'looc. .   ,o:  'oo'      c,   DE: Deepin
  11. .o.         .:ool::coc'  .ooo'      o.   WM: Mutter(DeepinGala)
  12. ::            .....   .;dddo      ;c    Theme: Deepin [GTK2/3]
  13.   l:...            .';lddddo.     ,o     Icons: Deepin [GTK2/3]
  14.    lxxxxxdoolllodxxxxxxxxxc      :l      Terminal: deepin-terminal
  15.     ,dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxl.     'o,       Terminal Font: Noto Mono 11
  16.       ,dkkkkkkkkkkkkko;.    .;o;         CPU: Intel i7-7700HQ (8) @ 3.800GHz
  17.         .;okkkkkdl;.    .,cl:.           GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Mobile
  18.             .,:cccccccc:,.               GPU: Intel HD Graphics 630
  19.                                          Memory: 5821MiB / 15890MiB
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2019-06-18 09:02
There are two versions 15.10... The Unstable (codenamed "anda" w/mutter) and Stable (codenamed "Lion" w/kwin).

You were using 15.9 Panda and just upgraded to 15.10.1 Panda. Remember, this release is supported through July (until the release of 15.11 Lion); then it will not receive any updates (it will be abandoned).

To use 15.10.1 Lion, you need to download .iso from version 15.10.1 (

I recommend, be using 15.10 Panda... Well, kwin is still having problems. If version 15.10.2 Lion appears... It will be a possibility to use without further problems.
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2019-06-18 21:43
Thanks for explaining.
In that case I'll wait a bit until 15.10.2 is available.
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2019-06-29 04:36
Thanks for explaining.
In that case I'll wait a bit until 15.10.2 is available.

Wise decision...
You can also install 15.10 LIon, and switch back to the default deepin WM.
See my post here :
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2019-06-29 06:46
joepadmiraal 发表于 2019-6-18 13:43
Thanks for explaining.
In that case I'll wait a bit until 15.10.2 is available.

you can use
sudo apt install dde-kwin
to enjoy dde-kwin
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